
Queen was just here, she was dressed like the Bucket woman from 20 years ago, why?

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I think it is disgraceful! You call that the British way of making good impressions. We have people who dress like that in the backwoods of Arkansas. Looks like a Minnie Pearl original!




  1. Just think yourself lucky that she deigned to visit your country and agreeing to suffer the indignity of having to meet that cretin George Dubbya Bush.I thought Prince Philip held the world record for putting his foot in it every time he opened his mouth but,at least he is intelligent unlike the semi articulate moronic president of the u.s.a.The stupidity of your question makes me think that you are trolling and if you think that the queen should dress like some of those 80 year olds in america,who look like hookers and probably are,then you know nothing whatsoever about good taste.Your mother,at any age,should look as good as the queen does now.

  2. As The Queen would say - "speak when you are spoken to".

    Vivat Regina Elizabetha.

  3. I assume you mean Hyantinth Bucket.  They both shop at the same dress store

  4. What is wrong with you mohn.  You sure don't know much about history.  The Queen is the sovereign of Great Britain.  She's not trying out to be a waitress at Hooters.  She is the living symbol of a 1000 year old monarchy.  Even you would realize what a woman in her 80's would dress like if she were a conservative person who doesn't really need to impress anyone.  She is what she is.  Now if you're interested in what's still spicey of the Spice girls or a waitress at hooters , knock yourself out.  Queen Elizabeth II, Regina doesn't need to impress anyone.

  5. She is a beautiful woman and should dress accordingly.

    For goodness sake - we should send the STYLE network over and have Finola throw away some things.

    But perhaps she doesn't want to.  I guess that's ok too.

  6. Now that is just the most ridiculous comment I've read today. Disgraceful for a woman of stature to wear what is suitable in her culture? Queen Elizabeth has always conducted herself with decorum and grace (albeit too sternly) but never looks like Minnie Pearl and I can assure you she doesn't shop in Walmart . People from her time period and social status have a tendency to be conservative. I suppose you would prefer she look like a movie star or an overrated former, pop "queen". Since when is it disgraceful to be respectful?

  7. Bouquet ;)

  8. Come now, she may have been keeping up appearances, but what do you want from her? Mini skirt crop top and go-go boots? Shes and old woman for crying out loud.  She was born in 1926!  She's 81 for Pete's sake. You make is sound like you think America's image is that of the land of ancient hookers...

  9. at least we have a queen

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