
Queensland Halves?

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Who will be Queenslands halves for the state of origin series (or until Lockyer comes back)... Will it be J.T 6 and Scott Prince 7? or maybe Hunt or Inglis at 6.




  1. Thurston at half, Prince at 5/8. Pince used 2 play 5/8 all the time so he will have no problems there.

    Hunt at full back, Ingles and Slater on the wing 2 start off with

  2. Thurston & Lockyer.  If Lockyer's out, then Inglis will play

  3. should be jt and inglis, but it doesn't really matter they cant change their eventual loss/

  4. Please not Inglis at 5/8, sure blah blah he's done this and or that, won a GF there, don't care, Shane Perry won at GF at halfback, should he be selected? h**l no. Matt Geyer won a GF at 5/8 should he be the NSW 5/8? Possibly, I can't see many other options ;)

    Inglis is and always will be a fullback or centre, anywhere else he is just filling in.

    I get the feeling this will be the QLD backline:

    1. Hunt

    2. Slater

    3. Hodges

    4. Inglis

    5. Folau

    6. Prince

    7. Thurston

    The only other possible change would be Hunt or Inglis to 5/8 (Slater to fullback if Hunt) and Brent Tate on the wing.

  5. prince and JT either way round they can handle both 6&7 with ease.

  6. i would have prince at 5/8th and J.T at halfback and take Tate off the team and put Hunt, Inglis and slater rotating fullbacks and wings

  7. Jonothan Thurstan should be the number 6, he's not playing his best footy at the moment though while Prince who is in his best form ever should get the number 7. Go BLUES

  8. jt at 5/8 and prince at halfback.but if is unavailable through injuries then inglis will takes his place.but if prince is injured then cooper cronk partnering the maroons have so many options while the blues are still searching for the halfback combination to match the maroons.

  9. Could be someone from the girls under 10 team. :)~~~  GO THE BLUES.

  10. Prince nd Inglis

  11. Why do they insist putting inglis on the wing when he has won a grand final at 5/8?  Put him there with thurston!

  12. It should be Prince at 7, Thurston at 6.

    However i reckon cuz Prince has the luck of an irishman who has run over a chinaman's black cat whilst carrying a broken mirror that the QLD selectors will go with Thurston at 7 and Inglis at 6.
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