
Quest about God Parents?

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Are u supposed to ask your friends/someone if they want to be the godparent or are they supposed to volunteer to be the god parent.




  1. Ask someone!! It's a big deal so choose carefully - someone you're close to, who will be there for the child if needs be.

  2. You ask them, which is an honor for them, but also a responsibility.  I think most people think of it as just a formality these days though.  Right or wrong.  It should be someone you trust and someone you feel fairly close to.

  3. You definitely ask them, but be careful who you choose; god-parent isn't just a title.  It should be someone you trust and someone who will be spending a lot of time with their god-child.  When my daughter was born I made the mistake of listening to my ex and chose his "best friend" as her Godfather who my daughter has now seen about 3 times in her almost 10 years, and his sister as the godmother who she has  sadly seen even less.  I am sure that whoever you ask will be honored to do the job but for your child you'll want it to be someone special.

  4. You need to ask and if they decline, be okay with it.

  5. you ask them- it's a great honour!

    the idea of a godparent is that they're there to be a part of your child's life, and offer them guidance when you're unable to.  in the event (god forbid) your child was left without parents, the godparents might be called upon to step in.  (although, legally, this is not necessarily the case, unless stated in a will)

    now, you wouldn't want to bestow that blessing on just anyone, would you- it needs a lot of thought from you, and i'm sure whoever you pick will be delighted to be asked.    

  6. I feel god parents are suppose to be close in case anything happens to the parents that they will be able to take care of your children or would be a very important part of their lives.  

  7. You need to ask them.  I think it would be very rude of someone to ask if they could be the godparents.

  8. normally the parents ask someone to be their childs godparent, other times they have a very close friend whom would like to be their childs godparent.  both ways are fine as long as they understand how important this is.  in the end its best to choose someone whom you trust and know will care for your kids as much as you do. plus it has to be a couple in a good relationship or at least married.  good luck!

  9. You ask them,you are giving them a honour

  10. You have to ask.  It is a great honour but it must be people who at least believe as they stand in proxy for your child's religious upbringing if you die.  

  11. You are supposed to ask them. Make sure it's someone you really care about and they care about you. God parents are special.  

  12. The idea of God-parents does not have the same sentiment it used to have years ago.  God-parents were cautiously selected by the family to be the person/persons to step in and rear the child in case something happened to the parents.  Usually, the God-parents are very good friends or close relatives of the couple who have the baby.  The couple usually "asks".  Being a God-parent used to be a big responsibility.  It still is - depending on how seriously you take the job.  

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