
Questins About hillary?

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Doing a project about hillary clinton and I need to know a little bit about her point of view on issues like

• the Iraq War

• national security

• healthcare

• education

• the economy

• taxes

• global warming

• nuclear weapons

Thank YOu




  1. America was wrong

    America is the worst threat to the world

    AMericans are too stupid to provide for themselves

    Americans are too stupid to learn

    America is driving global economies into the toilet

    America doesn't pay enough in taxes

    America is the sole cause of global warming

    America should not be allowed to have nuclear weapns... but Iran should.

    Hillary Clinton endorses this position.

    OK maybe I shouldn't be so cynical since this is for a school project.  Hillary wants to remove the troops from Iraq immediately.  This is not a smart move as if we leave before we stabilize the country we will have to go back in the near future.   Hillary wants to instigate some extreme measures in the name of National security,  she supports the national ID card, and yet she is for amnesty for Illegal Aliens and against the border fence.... really no telling what her ideas on security are.   Hillary wants to force people to buy health insurance... instead of reigning in the insurance industry she wants to force people to buy it and punish those that don't... this will hurt the young people the most because they are the ones that are are just starting out, rarely get sick or visit the hospital and are struggling to make ends meet because of student loans and credit bills.  Education, Hillary doesn't seem to have any plan for education other than to throw more money at it, This would be OK except that America spends more per student than any other country yet ranks near last in education... there needs to be some other plan.   Hillary has no plan for the economy, of course that isn;t too surprising, the economy acts independent of the presidency.  Hillary does want to raise taxes, she will have to to support the health care act (for poor people) and the beuracracy that it will necessitate.  My first staement is true about global warming, she believes America is the sole cause.  Again, she believes America shouldn't have them, but Iraq and any one else should.

  2. Heck just write an answer you want about it on your project! Since all them will be true in the end to Hilary anyway.  She flip flops more than a fish on the beach.   Shes like the news her story changes daily!  Same as that other candidate for the Democrats whats his name?  Hes a preacher or something like that?

  3. Go to and get it from the source or watch CNN 2/24 at 8:00 pacific to hear for your self.

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