
Question, winner takes the points?

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What is heavier? 10 lbs of cotton balls or 10 lbs of glass marbles?




  1. Gee... I don't know. Let's throw them both off the leaning tower of Piza and see what happens!!! Oh! We discovered gravity!!!

  2. They weigh the same.

  3. " 10 lbs of cotton balls or 10 lbs of glass marbles "

    they weigh equal amounts.........

    so, whatever the matter would be ;

    " it weights equal in weighs "

  4. Neither is heavier, they both weigh 10 pounds.

  5. They both weigh 10 pounds.  Ergo, neither of them is heavier.

  6. The difference is in volume not weight.


  8. neither, they both weigh 10 pounds

    I know which one I would rather have dropped on me though....

  9. both of them weigh 10 pounds

  10. My 2 points is what's heavier!

  11. They both weight the exact same amount!

  12. I'm not sure, I couldn't see the dial on the bathroom scales when I put the cotton balls on.

  13. It depends on your place. If you are on dry land, the they will be the same. If you are under the sea or submerged in water, the cotton will be lighter due to the interplay of of density, mass, and volume.

  14. ten pounds of deez nutz

  15. They weigh the same.

    Anything that's 10 lbs. will weigh the same as anything else weighing 10 lbs.

  16. They both weigh 10 lbs. no mater what it are not talking mass

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