
Question About Aries..Anyone Can Answer?

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I have read that Aries speak before thinking..

I think it's true because I met this Aries girl, and she just says anything. No matter how mean it is. I actually find it so funny; I don't know why, but most Aries I know are hilarious without even trying.

What do you think about Aries..are they too outspoken? Annoying? Funny? What's your opinion. Thanks. What's your sign.

They can be very childish..but I love it.

I'm a Scorpio.




  1. First of all, I'm a Leo.

    I find Aires to be passionate, driven, and stubborn. I don't think aires are too outspoken, however, it is important for them to watch what they say. It's just a part of who they are.

  2. I don't think that Aries automatically speaks before he/she thinks. I think that sometimes, Aries thinks, realizes it could be offensive to some people, and says it anyway. Or sometimes they just don't.

    I find Aries to be driven, passionate, strong, a good sense of humour, honest, stubborn, sometimes a little caught up in their own world, honest about themselves (they are honest when they are good at something.... but also when they are bad at something, so I don't see it as arrogance at all).

    I like Aries.

  3. i think i  answered ur question already??

    but just to make sure yes, they are extremely childish and can be very obnoxious my bf is an aries. they arent afraid to say waht on there mind and they dont care what people think aobut them...they can be very annoying somtimes..and they are very physical

  4. im an aries and i found out that aries get bored really easy. i could be outspoken and annoying but everyone gets like that, i can be really funny too. aries can be very childish but thats just the way we are.  

  5. I usually have love/hate relationships with aries. my best guy friend is an aries and I love him to pieces. we're really close. I know this girl who's an aries and I can't stand her. she's stuck up. she always says stuff like "doesn't this shirt look cute on me?" she's rude. she walked into class while the teacher was teaching and was like "are you busy?" ugh...I just don't like her at all. I get the impression she would walk all over you if you let her. she says mean things about people to make herself look better or when she tells jokes she's just insulting people. she's always trying to be the center of attention and does so much to get attention. I cannot stand her.

    but then I know this other girl who's an Aries. she's shy and withdrawn but she's funny.

    I think it depends on the person.

    I'm a Leo

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