
Question About Dinosaurs???

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If dinosaurs were wiped out how could they have evolved? ......I watched a program not long ago about dinosaurs and the scientists said it was likely that birds had evolved from dinosaurs and some lizards ect..... So if they were wiped out how could they have evolved ??




  1. I think the term 'wiped-out' may be confusing the issue. In the period when the dinosaurs went through a massive extinction event, not EVERY single one died.. whatever killed the large ones did not kill off the smaller dinosaurs that could shelter/survive through what ever occured. In evolution it is called an evolutionary bottleneck and allows for another species to enter the niche of the previous species (in the case of the dinosaurs.. small rodent like mammals that eventually evolved into us!)

  2. I don't think they really existed.  There is no evidence.  Are there any real bones?  Are there any real fossils?

    Surlely bones would have decayed in such a long space of time.

  3. You were not paying attention to what was said... the fossil evidence suggests that the large dinosaurs were wiped out "suddenly" (perhaps by a meteor collision that filled the sky with dust for months), but that many small, "chicken-like" dinosaurs survived (and evolved into birds & reptiles) along with small mammals that gave rise, eventually, to the mammals of today.

    This makes FAR more sense, if you think about it, than a deity "creating" them all, and then hiding fake bone fossils to confuse humans!

  4. "I don't think they really existed. There is no evidence. Are there any real bones? Are there any real fossils?"

    You're kidding right?

    Sometimes I can't believe the things I read on this website...

    Anyways, like others have said, only the large dinosaurs went extinct.

  5. The first birds evolved from dinosaurs some 90 million years BEFORE the dinosaurs became extinct.

    Look up "Archaeopteryx" in Wikipedia.

    Why were the dinosaurs wiped out completely while other groups survived?  Good question, but it could simply be that smaller animals had a better chance of surviving the catastrophe at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary.

    Edit: JohnDeha... is being ironic, and parodying the creationists who maintain that thee are no intermediate forms when in fact these exist by the ton in the fossil record.

  6. Yes but bird dinosaurs could fly away from danger, unlike the walking ones.

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