
Question About Gallbladder removal Surgery? Please help?

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What are the effects of that surgery? How will it affect my life after wards? And ..they fill the abdomen with nitrogen gas, does it have any effects on the person, then or later?




  1. Well the gas does what gas does, it comes out the usual method.

    Just say oops sorry.

    It had no effect on my life whatsoever.

    But some need to cut back on fats afterward.

    I made no changes at all.

  2. I just had my gallbladder out about a month ago.

    1.) There are no effects. Just reduce the amounts and types of food you eat. ie: lower amount of fats.

    The pain subsides after about two weeks (incision/abdomen pain), Make sure you hold your stomach in when you get up and down, the strain may cause a hernia to develop (at belly button area).

    Usually, you can get back to work within a week or two.

    2.) similar to point 1, but this will not affect your life, but it should open you eyes to the types of foods you were eating. Just cut back on the high fatty foods.

    3.) The nitrogen is usually passed as gas and some of the nitrogen is absorbed into the body. I had shoulder pain for a few days. The best thing is to walk around when you have the pain. Also the gas will make you feel bloated for the first day or two. But the gas does not affect your body. The air you breath in is mostly nitrogen (atmosphere). The gas just leaves on its own.

    good luck.

  3. My hubby just had his out and it is  a definite change. You won't be able to eat what you were use to eating. NO Fats or very little unless you want to spend your life in the bathroom. He had his done in March and we are still learning what he can eat and not eat.trial and error for the most part.

    NO  deep fried foods. Mayo    use lower fat content foods check labels.

    It is a big life change but I could think of worse things in life. Good Luck to you. I'm not to sure about the nitrogen my husband had allot of other stuff  in combination to his gallbladder and he had other issues.

  4. The gallbladder is the storage centre for bile. Bile is a mixture of salts which help emulsify fats that you have eaten. By emulsifying these fats it reduces the surface area of globules for easy digestion by your enzymes. The gallbladder stores bile, but doesn't make it. That is the responsibility of your liver. As long as you have your liver, you will produce bile for digestion.

    You may need to restrict very large amounts of fat in your diet, but not too much else. You should be fine and live as normal a life as anyone else.

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