
Question About Ip Addresses?

by  |  earlier

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i was banned from a torrent site for no good reason and i want to get back in..i have optimum online and have dynamic ip address..what is a good excuse to give them when i call to request a change of ip?




  1. You don't get banned for no good reason. You weren't following their rules and/or etiquette. Do a little research, read their FAQ, don't be a hit-and-run downloader.

  2. Take your modem and unplug it, wait a bit, and plug it back in.

    Use tor if all fails.

  3. go to ur router interface or control panels if u dont use a router and find something that says "renew ip lease" click it and voila u have a new ip. if ur to lazy/cant figure it out just unplug everything(router, modem, computer) and plug it back in, this should get u a new ip since its dynamic. if it were static u would have to call ur provider and just ask for a new ip, its none of there business why u want one. if the site banned your mac ul have to change that with a program like changeMac (that ones for osx, dont kno any for windows)

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