
Question About MD Planes?

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Am I the only person who thinks MD planes should be banned?

They crash ALL the time.




  1. The MD aircraft are very fine aircraft, and they are very safe if properly maintained and operated.  Remember the DC-9?  Those had an excellent safety record, and the MD-80 family are updated models of the same airplanes.

    So yes, you are the only person who thinks MDs should be banned.  Let the professionals do their jobs, and they will sort out the reasons for the Spanair accident.  In the meantime, show proper respect for those who lost their lives, including the flight crew.

    "Aviophage" means "bird eater" in Greek, and it is a reference to my healthy diet.

  2. If you do you must feel really lonely being the only don't have a clue person. you feel lonely?  What is an MD in your trepidation? Phantom did pretty good.  Skyhawk set records.   Are you Aerophag in disguise?

  3. Yes, you are.

    McDonnell Douglas airplanes are very well made airplanes. I can only assume you are talking about yesterdays Spanair crash.  It's too early to know what went wrong other then something exploded and it crashed.

    Airplanes are very complex, high performance machines. Unfortunately, some other countries don't have the strict guidelines our FAA has regarding maintenance or pilot training.  

    There's never just one factor leading up to an airplane accident.

  4. i think you are. all of the crashes happen because something was done wrong. the airplane doesn't just choose to crash.

  5. Gotta love the mad t/o you'll ever experience (besides a 757 IMO). Anyways, the only thing I see wrong with that wonderfully designed a/c is the noise. It's a safe plane and it's a work-horse for the industry. I respect it, it's widely used, and extremely safe. Even Einstein had some bad days......and they were very few and far between. BTW.......1 out of 9 MD accidents were due to mechanical issues.

  6. most alot of md airplanes are owned by foreign airlines who don't have tight regulations as the FAA so they are not well maintained. American arlines has  242 md 82s and 58 md 83s  and when was the last time you've herd and AA md 80 crash. the last reason you hear this because their are cheap and foreign airlines buy them but dont maintain them to save money, and they are so many of them.if you ask anybody in the aviation industry a plane will last 50 years if it is well maintained.

  7. This is not an informed statement. Saying that MD aircraft crash all the time is completely incorrect. From January 1982 through July 2008, there have been 322 accidents or incidents involving McDonnell Douglas aircraft in scheduled operations, 22 of which involved fatalities.

    In the same time frame there have been 2,536 accidents or incidents total, 239 of which involved fatalities.

    That means that MD aircraft have been involved in 12.7% of all accidents or incidents in scheduled operations since 1982, and 9.2% of all fatal accidents. That hardly bears up the statement that they crash all the time. Out of the 300 non-fatal accidents or incidents, 108 were accidents that involved injury or major damage and the rest could be anything from a blown tire to someone on the ground driving a truck into the aircraft (I don't have the time today to do an in-depth look).

    I do not know how many MD aircraft have been built in total, but American Airlines has one of the largest fleets of MD aircraft at 300, and if every one of their aircraft had an accident or incident today, it wouldn't even double the total. Considering that there are hundreds more MD aircraft flying around the US and the rest of the world, not to mention the hundreds of additional MD aircraft that have been retired without any problems at all during their lives, I would say that overall MD aircraft have a fairly good safety record.

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