
Question About Music Class?

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I'm not sure if this sounds weird to any one you, but..

When I'm in music class I feel embarrassed to play my instrument in front of people.. I never really liked music.. but once I couldn't get a sound on a flute, I was switched to the xylophone and that's when i felt embarrassed.. because I was the only one on a percussion instrument.. also, its on this high podium sort of thing, facing everyone.

I am just really worried about school because we have music first semester and I'm worried about what my classmates will think of me playing something so different than others.

I know this sounds weird, but I really just don't like playing infront of people




  1. I agree with Beth. You should talk to your teacher because all music teachers are musicians and he or she probably will have some tips and tricks to help you overcome your fear.  

  2. You can explain the way you feel to your teacher and ask to make accommodations due to anxiety. Ask if you can be tested not in front of your class. But you know you may want to also think about  overcoming this fear, I'm not suggesting that you need to love this class but give a try, you may surprise yourself, Sometimes we are harsh to ourselves. Best wishes.

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