
Question About Old School Pro Wrestling Vs The Current Product!?!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok sense so many people complain about how fake & how big of a joke pro wrestling is today,then i have a question if pro wrestling was the same today as it was back then without drama filled promos,storylines,and character gimmicks would those same people like pro wrestling today if it was like it was back,then which was nothing,but wrestling?

WQ: What's your favorite old school move? Mine is the Suplex so many different versions that helps revolutionize the original.


The Wrestling Section Peace Maker!




  1. Yes, and No

    Some people really like the theatrical acting and stuff in the promo

    Others like most people just like wrestling, isnt that the reason we like it?

    My favorite old school move would be......DDT

  2. yeah i would, cause i watch it for the wrestling and technicallity and then for the entertainment

    WQ- mine is a piledriver

  3. Good point my friend!

    Pro wrestling would not be mainstream at all if that was the case, there would be no Rock and Hogan's star would have burnt out in the early 90's. There would be zero cross over coverage period. You have to ask yourself would that really be bad ?

    WA- The Suplex or the Sleeper Hold always had me going as a kid. I have to mention the DDT in part to my childhood hero The Snake.

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