
Question About Presidential Johnsons ???

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Andrew Johnson

Lyndon Johnson

Barack Obama

Which one is most 'impressive'




  1. I could make a number of Howard Stern like references to this question, but I will leave it alone.....

  2. Better question might be which one actually had a Johnson that got used and I'd say that it is Obama judging by his twinkly eyes and the way his wife looks at him.

  3. Lyndon Johnson was downed for his inability to end the war and for the modern welfare crisis we have now, Andrew was nearly impeached, and Obama will not be president, so I say whats behind door number 4?

  4. Normally I would say the one that's alive but I'm not too impressed with him (his)

  5. Andrew was impeached

    Lyndon freed the slaves

    obama sucks

  6. Johnson, Johnson, Obama? I don't get your point. I wasn't born when the other two were in the white house. So IMO I'd say Obama.

  7. Did Barry change his name to Johnson? What's the comparison?

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