
Question About TTC A Baby Please Ladies Help? ?

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im reading some forums online about how to conceive a baby and i must know these thing before getting pregnant :

1. Temping is a MUST- no excuses.

2. Knowing pH of cm AND s***n is a must.

3. Knowing what cm is and where your cervix is- a must

4-For ttc a boy- Egg Whites with a pH of 9-9.9 -A MUST

Can any body explain for me in easy way please? like what's the first one mean??and the rest too ? please moms :)




  1. 1. Temping is refering to checking your basal temperature everyday from the start of your cycle to when you are supposed to ovulate. The small rise you will see happens as the body ovulates. This isn't in my eyes a "MUST" for TTC...think of all the women who have fallen pregnant without doing this. If it's something you want to try however, that is different - it may help you pinpoint ovulation better than checking cervical mucus.

    2. This seems to make reference to "choosing the s*x of your baby" or at least trying to tip the odds in favour of a boy or girl. I'm not sure how you would go about this but perhaps there are test strips to measure vaginal/sperm ph?? Something to look into...I know they say that an acidic vaginal environment favours girl sperm whereas an alkaline one helps to nurture male swimmers.

    3. CM = Cervical Mucus. You check this around your time of peak fertility and may notice a lot of thick, egg-white looking mucus perhaps when you wipe. Not all women have much of this on show but those who do can use this as a great way of telling when the best time to babydance is! When you notice this, babydance every other day until you don't see it anymore ...then babydance the day after just to cover ovulation. You'll see a dramatic drop in the EWCM after an egg is released. The LH [Lutenising Hormone] kicks in once ovulation is taking place and CM decreases or at least becomes more sticky. Knowing where your cervix is can be used as another tool. Inserting a finger into your v****a - you will find that at the start of your cycle, you feel it is harder inside at the top, a bit like the end of your nose. When you are fertile, this may change and become softer, like your ear lobe and even high and harder to reach.

    4. I'm not sure about this one, in all honesty. I HAVE heard that having s*x as close to ovulation as possible increases the odds of having a boy though as the male swimmers are faster but less hardy and die quicker than the female ones.

  2. None of these things are MUSTs.  They may be helpful, but lots of people conceive without doing these things.  I just stopped taking bc and had s*x a lot.  If you are having trouble conceiving then you might try some of this, but I think your best bet is to just relax.  Making a baby should be fun, not a science project.

  3. Here is the easiest way to conceive. Start sexual intimacy during your period or directly after and continue every three or four days throughout the month. This way you are assured of already have the sperm in place as a welcoming party when your egg is released.

    This way saves time, money, energy and it doubles your chances of conception from the start. Best wishes, G  

  4. lol okay

    #1. charting your BBT temp will help you know when you r ovulating and when to make a baby!

    #2 That insnt a must skip

    #3 CM is CERVICAL MUCAS and your cervix is at "tje end of the road" as far as your middle finger can reach in your v****a and its kinda like a lil donut, with a lil indent in the center

    #4 egg white refers to the cm it describes the consistancy of the cm, and i dont personally know how to test PH and dont think it is nessasary! Hope i helped!

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