
Question About The Finlay/Shelton Benjamin Match On SmackDown! Tonight!?!?

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Was Finlay & Shelton Benjamin working a little stiff in there match tonight? Because it sounded like they was poppin' each other pretty hard in the beginning of the match when they was punching each other at the Turnbuckle,or am i the only one who noticed?

Lol did anyone else hear that retarded kid yell out"Use The Table",when Finlay caught Benjamin in the ring apron lol?




  1. yea i noticed..but im glad shelton won...yea i heard him

    EDIT..hey..eliajh is having a chat tonight..its about to start..

  2. yeah they were a lil stiff.

    they wouldn't let finlay use the table b/c it'd be too "violent" for the kids and the parents would complain...what a joke.

    little kids giving me thumbs down b/c their parents are the ones complaining. LOL.

  3. Finley works that way with most everybody..

  4. yah i noticed they were a little stiff . yah i heard that to , i was thinking it is pg. that little kid has probally has never seen anyone go through a tabel

  5. i havent watched tonight's smackdown yet..................!

  6. It doesn't make sense because Finlay's in ECW and if he won that match and at Unforgiven............................ MY HEAD HURTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  7. yea finlay usauly works quite stiff. The reason he is in ecw is so he can help coach the younger talent. So i see alot of beat up green young

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