
Question About The Infamous Montreal Screwjob?

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Who Screwed Who?

Bret Screwed Bret?

Vince Screwed Bret?

Shawn Screwed Bret?

Earl Screwed Bret?

Triple H Screwed Bret?

Brisco Screwed Bret?


IMO, Bret Screwed Bret. He could've losted the title way before Survivor Series 1997... Instead of wanting it til he leave to probably take it over to WCW!




  1. Vince screwed Bret. It was his last match as Champion and a WWF superstar in Canada. Vince wanted him to lose the match and therefore his title, something Bret didn't want to do. They argued before Vince agreed to let Bret win the match. Then as you know later on after HBK put Bret in the sharpshooter, Vince had the ref ring the bell indicating the end of the match. The whole thing was a mess which led to a big argument in the back with the lockeroom.  

  2. vince screwed bret.. even that old f**t earl hebner admitted it.. because of vince's sleazy sketchiness, he partially ruined bret's career..

  3. bret f*cked himself

  4. Bret Screwed Bret it was all his fault then he cried like a baby  


  6. Bret didn't s***w himself he didn't want to lose at home Vince was ok with it but then he screwed Hart  

  7. alright ill explain the montreal skrewjob. wcw was one of wwf's greatest threats. now, bret was going to leave wwf because they would not give him the money he wanted. he wanted to be paid more than the undertaker, the rock, shawn micheals and so on.wwf did not agree so they had to let him go. but bret had the wwf championship. he was entitled to take the wwf championship to wcw just like a women, who i dont know the name of right now, took the womens championship title to wcw. bret said he would relinquish the title at his last appearence. he had a match against shawn micheals at survivor series were he was supposed to win and leave the wwf on a high note. now during the match Earl Hebner the ref was givin orders by mcmahan to s***w bret hart. micheals put bret in the sharpshooter. earl called a tap out when indeed there was no tap out. micheals also was told what was going to happen before the match.


    vince skrewed bret with the help of shawn micheals and earl hebner

  8. Bret screwed himself for being such a pain in the companie's **** imo.

  9. The order came from Vince so it was him.  Ric Flair left WCW in the early 90's and came to the WWE (WWF back then) with the World Title. Vince just didn't want the WWE Title to leave the company.  It didn't matter who was in the match against Bret Hart.  Hart was going down.  

  10. mcmahon screwed bret cause he ordered everyone else 2 do what they did.

  11. Hebner screwed bret!

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