
Question About buying concert tickets..?

by  |  earlier

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I wanna go to the tokio hotel concert and right now the tickets are $25.

Do prices of tickets normally go up??

And if so how often?




  1. in some cases they do. the best thing for you to do will be to buy your tickets right now, so you would not worry about it later

  2. Not unless the event sells out. Then the price will increase from scalpers who are selling their tickets.

  3. no prices don't incress unless the sell out - then you have to but them off of someone who normally raises the prices on a ticket since they are sold out

  4. lol thats the best deal your gonna get haha so just get it, inless you want like front row tickets then it will go up, so like the closer you are to stage the higher the price is, if that makes any sence lol

  5. ok

  6. on they dont go up.

    but if you buy them on sites that other fans sell them, yes the prices will definitely go up.

    good luck in getting tickets =]

    Ich liebe Tokio Hotel <3

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