
Question: Dominicans, what type of stone is this?

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My brother brought me back this really beautiful necklace from the DR and it has this sky blue stone with like white cloudy lines in it. Very Very pretty. He said it's a popular stone in the DR and to look it up (he couldn't remember the name) this is my way of looking it up, Y!A. What's the name of the stone. It reminds me of soap stone, but not as dull...




  1. I'm not Dominican but I believe I know which stone you're talking about.

    It called Larimar which is a variety of blue pectolite.

    Larimar was formed by volcanos many millions of years ago. Blue Pectolite can be found all over the world, in Canada and U.S.A.  Only Dominican Republic produces the blue colored variety known as Larimar. Larimar often has a white spider-veined look to it. It is very abundant in Dominican Republic, for now. It can only be found in the mountains of the Barahona in the South-West region of the country. Los Chupaderos, in the Los Checheses area . This is the only place where this gem appears on the terrestrial crust. When these mines have been depleted of this rare stone it may be gone forever.

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