
Question For Americans; How are the people of New Orleans these days? Are things getting back to normal?

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Greetings from France, I am interested to know how the city of New Orleans is coping now a few years after the hurricane disaster, Are most people rehomed now? Are things anywhere near getting back to the way they where before? I remember the shocking images on television and especially how the people felt so let down and ignored by the government, so how do people feel now? Has the government done enough to rebuild the place? I hope so, when i have the money i would love to be able to vist one day.




  1. A lot of people haven't returned since Hurricane Katrina. Violence has been at its worst since Hurrican Katrina. The "tourist-y areas" are pretty much up and running, and you could hardly tell there was any damage. If you go more on the outskirts of New Orleans (the parts the tourists dont see) it still looks like a wreck, as if the hurricane just happened. There has been some rebuilding, but i really think there could be soooooooo much more done. It's still a very beautiful city, and i enjoyed Mardi Gras both this year and last year.. The spirit of New Orleans is definitely still there, one of my favorite cities...

  2. Things NEVER get well in a LIBERAL state. It is NOT in the best interest of liberals to get things well. Liberals only thrive and benefit when things are going wrong. That's an objective in the agenda of ANY liberal in the world.

  3. Thank you for your interest!

    Katrina was the worst natural disaster to ever strike the USA. The storm wrecked 90,000 square miles (an area larger than Great Britain, killed 1800 people, displaced more than 2,000,000 people for months, and made 500,000 of us long-term homeless.  The damage to the City of New Orleans alone was $200 Billion, and NOLA is only a small part of the devastated area.

    Your question is about New Orleans:  The storm flooded about 80% of New Orleans with salt water, and the water stayed for almost a month. Much of the city is still struggling to recover and all you have to do to see devastation is drive around. It will take years for NOLA to fully recover from Katrina. Local government incompetence (Democrat state governor and city mayor) plus federal government bureaucracy are adding to the time required for recovery.

    However, the parts of the city that tourists usually visit were not flooded. It's not a coincidence - the French Quarter and other old parts of the city were built on relatively high ground and only suffered wind damage from Katrina. Almost all of the damage has been repaired and you have to look closely in the FQ and city center to see that Katrina happened at all.

    You should visit and see for yourself.  New Orleans really is one of the world's special places and it remains so today.

    Note that the City of New Orleans is only part of the greater New Orleans area. The GNO area had a population of about 1,400,000 before Katrina and is estimated at about 1,200,000 now (July, 2007). The absent 200,000 are mostly from the City of New Orleans and the parishes of Plaquemines and Saint Bernard, which were the worst-flooded parts of the metro area. Jefferson Parish - just to the west of the City - suffered relatively minor flooding and has fully recovered.

    The southern tip of Louisiana and southern Mississippi bore the worst of the physical damage from Katrina, and much of the coast still looks like Hiroshima after the atomic bomb was used on it in 1945.

  4. Normal.Most are on welfare.

  5. A half assed mardi gras, plan another vacation destination.

  6. From what my friends told me, they deserve more help in terms of employment and health services.

    Tourism, visit them and enjoy the good things the city offers.

  7. Holbrook is a douchebag, report me, I really don't care, totally worth it. The further west you go, the better off. There is a lot of crime but its mostly drug related.

  8. I'm sure your news organizations are NOT showing you the floods and mayhem happening in Ohio right now.  Much more damage.

    And yet, no claims of our government 'ignoring' them.  Makes one think that New Orleans was just a lame PR campaign against a Republican president.

  9. They would be if the US government would actually fund the rebuilding of the 9th ward. Besides for the areas lost by the storm that haven't been rebuilt, the city is almost the same. The economy is down, but it's expected.

  10. Yes New Orleans is getting back to normal...almost 120 Murders so far this year....the robbers, gang bangers, and drug dealers are back...they have started robbing the Illegals that are rebuilding their town...since they are too lazy to do it themselves...they should give New Orleans back to the swamp!

  11. We the people of the United States dropped the ball in New Orleans, Mississippi and Florida as it relates to Hurricane Katrina.  Its really a sad matter when a Parent ignores the need of the household and focus on the going on of the people in the next city.

    American are the Parents and New Orleans as well as the other states are the household. Yet, we focus on the needs of Iraq China and every other country.

  12. Well, unemployment is high.  The citizenry is generally poor and educational resources are scarce or wasted.  Everybody drowns their sorrow in greasy food and alcohol.  Teen pregannacy rates are through the roof.

    That said, I guess evertyhing is about back to normal there.

  13. Nope.  They're still screwed.

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