
Question For Moms And Daughters Only

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I am 13 going into the 8th grade, and I want to start wearing lip gloss. just lip gloss. no eye-liner or mascara or anything like that, and I don't know how to bring it up with my mom or ask her. Suggestions please!!!!




  1. While having a normal conversation with her, just casually say, "hey mom, could i use a couple dollars and get some lip gloss?"

    (lip gloss at the drugstore/grocery store can run from 99 cents to about 6 dollars.  

  2. Awkward talking to your mum about stuff like this, huh? I'm the same. Just go to the store and buy some, or next time you go to a friends say they gave it to you. If none of those work, when its your b-say or christmas and you friend give you a present, stick some lip gloss you bought in and wear it. You can't hurt your friends feelings and not use their pressie =D

  3. Just ask her!! Wearing lip gloss really is not that bad for your age..actually wearing any make up is not that bad at your age.  Let her help you though.  Go to the store together and pick out the right colors for you.  Make it a bonding experience because it'll be easier for your mom to cope with the fact that her daughter is growing up...good luck!

  4. wow, im 13 nd i ve been wearin lipgloss since 4evr lol, i wana weareyeliner  but ma momz dnt let me lol

    maybe wen ur at the store, nd u see a lipgloss u culd ask her hey mom can i get this?

    or jud say hey mom is it ok if i start wearing lipgloss?

  5. It's lipgloss... i didn;t know you needed to ask.

    though i know where you are coming from, except my mom's not that... obsessed.

    I was afraid to ask to get my eyebrows done, or buy my first thong and things like that. But lipgloss isnt anything drastic.

    Just say, mom can i get this? in the store.

    Sorry you have to ask. lol  

  6. I didn't think you had to ask, since lip gloss is also used to protect against chapped lips. Wearing it is no biggie. Just ask her and I'm sure she won't care. But let me give you some advice: Sometimes lip gloss looks really stupid, so don't use too much and pick something subtle like nude or clear lip gloss.

  7. If my daughter came and asked me if she could wear lip gloss I would be over the moon that she respected my feelings towards it. Just go up to her and say "mom, do you mind if I wear a little bit of lip gloss"?. She will respect you for asking her

  8. My parents never really had an age rule for me to start wearing makeup.  Just as long as I didn't look like a hooker they were okay with it.

    Just next time you're at the store with her, ask her if "you can get this"

    Gauge her reaction from there

  9. I just waited til we were at the store and asked said hey mom I'm growing up a little more but don't think I'm ready for mascara or anything but how about some lip gloss?? and she picked out some good stuff  I don't remember what its called now.

  10. u don't need to ask her. just when ur at the store throw in the buggy or be like"hey wadda u think of this color is it my shade?" its not like ur pregnant.

  11. Hun its lip gloss I'm 12 i wear eyeliner mascara and lip gloss if your sure she will disagree ask for lipbalm to nourish your lips or say mom do you think im old enough to wear lipgloss x

    Good Luk hun x  

  12. To be honest with you........ Lipgloss isn't really that amazing!! You get tired of it after a while!! If you really want to wear makeup ask for something like mascara which isn't really dark and is really cute!

  13. i would just ask her like someone else said hey mom can i go to the store next time with you to pick outs ome lip gloss? and she will problys ay yes because its just lip gloss.

  14. unless ur mom is really strict i don't think u even need to ask her for lip gloss it is not that huge of a deal and if u do want to bring it up just be like mom what do u think about lip gloss it's not like ur talking about s*x or anything embarassing like that  

  15. if she's not that strict with you, then just ask.  seriously, she won't bring it up unless you talk to her about it.  I never ask my mom to do anything because I'm always afraid of what she's gonna say.  But then I do and it's no big deal.  Ask her about stuff you're curious about and such.  Besides, you're thirteen, you should be able to wear lip gloss.

  16. it is okay don't worry i am 13 going into 8th grade too=] for real =] but i ive with a single dad and last year i started wearing lipgloss every now and then to bed or something and then reapplyed it in the morning and i asked him how i looked and he said great. so at the end of this year i started wearing mascara to bed and he doesn't mind. so just put it on in the morning and ask her how it looks and if you can wear it to school she won't mind. believe me:)

  17. when i was that age i was COVERED in make up, but i just went out and bought my own. does your mum wear make up? just suggest a shopping trip together, drop subtle hints. i dont think you'll have a problem

  18. i am the same age,

    and i'm also going to 8th grade.

    i started wearing eyeliner, and mascara, and everything else last summer.

    just be like "mom, can i wear some lipstick to school?"

    i usually works.

    but if not.

    just go to walmart or something by yourself.

    buy some lipgloss.

    and start wearing it,

    and if she doesn't notice.

    tell her that you are wearing it, and that she never noticed.

    and if she does notice it,

    tell her that it's not that noticable.

    hope this helps.

  19. lip Gloss is good for your age, as long as it's the kind made for young teens.  Look for the flavored ones at like wal-mart, the ones by the flavored chap stick, show her it at the store tell her it's just a glossier chap stick and ask if you can just try it and if she doesn't like it you'll through it out.  Don't go into the makeup kind that's tinted.  Then maybe after that you can move up to a really light tinted color one.  Best of luck.

  20. I think it's great that you think so much of your Mother that you're worried about how she'll feel about you wanting to wear lip gloss. I think you just need to ask her flat out, "Hey, Mom. I'd like to start wearing lip gloss. What do you think?" Or you could try a more indirect route, like "When did you start wearing makeup?" Or you could try to more sneaky route, and just start wearing lip gloss and see if she notices. But I think honesty is the best policy. Complement her on her wonderful cooking at dinner and then pop the question. ;-)

  21. i wud suggest  just go n talk to her in a polite way n i'm sure she won't say  no .she wud understand.i don't see no harm in wearing lip gloss.but if she does,no offense,afterall she z ur mom n she wud do THE RIGHT for u.!!!!!!! Good luck

  22. Just say 'I'm thinking of wearing lip gloss, could you buy me some for school?'

    She can't say anything like you don't need it or it'll ruin your skin as it's just your lips really.

  23. unless your mom has a problem with you wearing lip-gloss,

    ask her "mom can i start wearing lipgloss?"

    casue your 13,& its just lipgloss

  24. just say mom i dont want to go all out on make up but i do want to start wearing lip gloss...just that though.

    good luck.

  25. Don't worry about it. It's just lip gloss. I'm the same age as you, and all I'd do is say, "Mom, would you mind if I went with you next time you went to the store so I could buy a little lip gloss?" Then you just go along, pick out a nice shade, and voila. It's nothing major. :)

  26. Lipgloss is the one thing that I never had to ask my mom if I could use...and she was really strict. Just ask her if you can pick up some lip gloss to go with your outfit on the first day of school.

  27. just bring it up!

    be like, "hey mom, i was wondering if i could start wearing some lipgloss for my 8th grade year"

    this isnt a big deal like whatsoever i dont know why you are worrying aboutit!

  28. just wear it i live in England and people wear foundation blusher eyeliner lip gloss the full works i only wear a little bit of masacra and lipgloss somedays and im 12

  29. It is very considerate that you are trying to respect your mom's wishes.

    I would ask her at a time where there is no pressure to decide.

    Like at dinner, or before bed ...any time where she is not stressed out and you can comfortable explain to her that you would really like to buy some lip gloss if that would be ok with her.

    Tell her you have no intention of wearing the other make up you mentioned, but would like to try some lip gloss and maybe the 2 of you can go and try some ...

    My daughter is10 and I let her wear it.


  30. Hey, I'm 13 and going into eighth grade too! My mom does let me wear makeup. I think you guys should just go to a drugstore, and you just pick out some lipgloss and say something like "Mom, do you mind if I get this?" It's really no big deal. =]

  31. Lip gloss is not bad...I started wearing it when I was 5. Not regularly. But I had make up sets(For little girls) and they usually came with lip gloss.Just ask her can you start wearing lip gloss.  

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