
Question For Real, True Packer Fans!

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Everyone is saying that Packer fans will be all over Aaron Rodgers if he does not perform well at QB. I'm hearing that he'll be booed mercilessly the first time the Pack loses a game. Is this really going to happen or will your fans support him? Thanks!




  1. He got my support because he was a great QB at Cal. We need to give him a chance and not look for fault.  

  2. Pack fans have to give Rodgers a chance.  It's very hard to follow a legend.

    Also, it's not like the Packers have a long history of great QBs.  Going backwards, the last several Packer QBs have been erratic and inconsistent: Mike Tomczak, Dan Majkowski, Randy Wright, Jim Zorn, David Whitehurst, and Lynn Dickey.  Favre did a lot of dumb things throughout his career.  The kid deserves a real opportunity to suceed.

  3. well lets see the teams record with favre last season was 13-3 so if he doesnt get that record im pretty sure the fans are gonna be upset and im pretty sure its gonna happen in @ least a couple of games

  4. I just hope he does start to cry at a press conference

  5. im not a diehard packers fan but i do like him, i think he will get booed the first time he throws an interception and the first td he throws(this season) then everyone will be like 'oh well brett would have thrown two by now" and not give him any credit, but i really like this kid, the dallas game last year, i thought he did great

  6. I hope that packers fans will embrace their new QB, who knows maybe he will turn out to be a great player...........does anyone remember when Steve Young took over as starter after Joe Montana? He was booed by everyone in the stadium, no one thought he would amount to anything......boy were they wrong!

  7. We will have to give him a chance it's not his is ted thompson fault the Packer are in this mess and A Rod is just playing the hand he was dealt!

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