
Question For Vegetarians/Vegans?

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Would you work at a restaurant that sells meat? Would you prepare pizzas or tacos if you had to touch or cut meat?




  1. I would, because my mind is somewhere else, I'm vegetarian by heart, woulden't want to do it but if I had to I would.

  2. i would work at a restaurant that sells meat, but im not sure i could touch or cut raw meat.

  3. I personally wouldn't because meat grosses me out and I can't stand to touch a dead animal because it makes me sad that someone killed it.

  4. You are not a hypocrite. You would only be a hypocrite if you said you would never work in such a place while secretly doing so.

    It is a very fortunate person who gets to work for a company or employer whose ethics completely coincide with their own.

    Keeping a roof over your head and putting food on the table comes first.

    Anyone who says they would never take such a job is either very young and still being supported by someone else or has never known (and for some reason cannot imagine) the desperation of being unemployed.

    I have taken such jobs before and wouldn't hesitate to take one again if the need arose.

  5. I worked at a deli for a couple of months when I was newly veg.  I just took orders and rang people up though, so I didn't have any contact with the meaty stuff.  It didn't really bother me at the time, but wouldn't do it now.

  6. yea, if i had to! if there were 2 job openings one at a restarant that sells meat or like target then i'd go to target but seeing meat doesn;t bother me cause i know that i love animals and i am smart enough to realize that they have feelings too :)

  7. If it bothers you alot...maybe speak to a friend at work and then maybe they can mention it to the boss. I understand how it bothers you. Hopefully things will work out.

  8. I'm not a vegetarian, but my best friend is. We worked together at this deli for almost two years, and we both had to work with meat everyday. I asked her how she feels about it, and, according to her, she just takes orders, makes the food and slices meat if she has to.

    Don't make it into a bigger deal than it is. Yes, it's meat. Yes, that means dead animal. But seriously, if this is between a paycheck and joblessness for who knows how long (especially one in the food industry that would match your morals), just do the job.

    It's a job, and seriously, just go in there, do your thing, wash your hands, and leave.

    No one is going to force you to eat the meat, and you can just as easily wash your hands after touching the meat.

  9. If you need the job to survive of course you should keep it! But you should spend ALL your free time after work looking for a new job where you do not have to handle meat. Even if you are tired and exausted...think about those poor animals and keep walking and filling out job applications...

  10. seeing and touching meat does not bother me to much. i can handle it, but if there was something else i could do that did not involve meat, i would SOOO do that over the latter any day.

  11. That's a tough question. If I was jobless and that was one of the only choices I had to make a living, yes I would, but I would be horribly bad at it, and wouldn't enjoy it. Seeing dead carcasses being served in restaurants saddens me. I'd try not to think about it. :(

  12. I would never work for a restaurant that sells meet. It goes against everything I believe in and I am aiding these people to make money from tourtring animals.

  13. Do what you're comfortable with.

    Consider WHY you became a vegetarian in the first place and then decide if the job fits your morals/values.

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