
Question For Virgos?

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Whats Your Life Situation At The Moment

Im Broke

Very Happy


Found Things I Was Missing (Jewellery)

Tell Me Whats Going On......




  1. Not broke

    Moderately happy overall

    Not UNpopular

    Someone I barely know gave me a jade ring because I said I liked it about an hour ago.  lol

    There's more but I see no reason to volunteer information.  Never a dull moment.

  2. I'm broke too...happy with some things, i think that people like me(i'm very funny=) ) my

    lovelife it's bad,i think i have bad luck

  3. I'm 13 And I'm A Virgo An I'm Currently:


    Got A Paid Job


    Very Popular

    Well In School

    Bad Family Life

    Good Friends Life


    In Love <3

  4. me too

  5. h**l

  6. Thats weird that you ask.  Very happy and recently found my gold ring I lost.

  7. I just lost my job working at a hospital, so that makes me broke.

    But on the contrary I am very happy in my love life.

    I am very popular where ever I go.

    The one thing that I found this week was something like a Jewel it was my grandmother. Who I only saw when I was a baby, and then once again 5 years ago and I found her because my father does not like so he keep her from me all this time. I went out on a limb and went looking for her because I needed my history, I found her and she was looking for me too, together we went back 3 generations so not only am I happy but also blessed. I didn't want my children to not know there history so I did all my homework from internet to everything under the sun and I found her, I also found my paternal grandfather and spoke to him for the first time a well as my grandmother's mother my great grand so this has been a good week for me.

  8. I'm broke bc I lend money to my mom.

    Getting a job interview tomorrow (wish me luck)

    Love department is doing great (have a bf and three other guys trying to get with me)

    I actually lost something (pants)

    Trying to lose weight (gradually)

  9. im very happy, i have an amazing boyfriend,great friends, im not popluar and i never will say that but im well liked i like were i am and im just easing going and letting things come my way and thats pretty much it = D

  10. ehh

    i'm happy in general

    but struggling to stick to my diet lol

  11. I am going through a period of massive upheaval, and life is changing dramatically. And so is my son, who's also a Virgo.

  12. I'm Broke...but being only 14, and without a job, that's to be expected =p

  13. That's so funny! My husband's a Virgo and he's broke, more popular than ever at work, just got a major change at work that he's really happy with, but I don't know if he's found anything...
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