
Question -Girl Six Packs?

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When i was like 6 i had a six pack cause i used to do dancing,

then i stopped then it halfly gone, but cause im getting older its going,

i sorta want it back, im quite skiiny, but i want it back but i eat to much,

how do i get it back, and do you think its rank?




  1. Girls shouldn't get six-packs, but that's just my opinion.

  2. Try push-ups although you want to start out slow. Do like 4 or 5 at first and when you feel ready add more. May take a few weeks though, if you aren't used to strength training. This sort of a work out can be strenuous.  

  3. 6-packs are all about low body fat, not about abdominal exercises.  you need to follow a low calorie diet based on low GI foods and exercise at high levels of intensity to keep the metabolic rate elevated after exercise.  females need to have about 20% body fat or less to see decent definition in the abs.

  4. do a lot of situps and cardio and it should be back in no time

  5. Speaking from the other end of the spectrum...if you think you'll want them in the future, aim to keep them now, because getting them back when you're older is oh-so-long-and-painful to do.  It's much easier to add some crunches to your morning wake-up routine now, and get in the habit of doing them every morning than it is to try to get *back* into the routine and undo 20 years of neglect later in life!

    Just start by doing some crunches in the morning after you wake up; it takes only a minute or two, aim to do 3 sets of as many as your body can do without getting sloppy with your form; once you start cheating and using your leg muscles, or pulling yourself up with your arms, or tugging on the back of your neck to raise your shoulders, it's time to stop, rest for 20 seconds, then start the next set.  Form is more important than number (you used to be a dancer, I'm sure they drilled that into you already!  ^_^ )  Stick with it every morning, make it part of your daily habits, like brushing your teeth, and you'll be very, very thankful as you get older that you developed it as a habit, as those ab muscles are some of the hardest to get back once you've let them go.

    Best of luck!

  6. six pack on girls look hot!

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