
Question: How do you say this in Italian?

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How do you say this in Italian?

Hello! I came here because Anna recommended me for a job slot application in Iper.


I came here because of Anna's recommendation to apply for a job slot in Iper.

Basically, how do I say that I am the person recommended by Anna to work in a certain job position.





  1. you have to say: ciao! io sono la persona raccomandata da anna per questo lavoro

  2. I'm italian.

    Like in english this espression can be translate in several way. One of this is:

    Buon giorno

    sono qui per la posizione lavorativa di (specify the tipe of work/position) in quanto Anna me l'ha fortemetne raccomandato.

  3. You can say:

    "Salve, sono venuta qui perché Anna mi ha consigliato/suggerito(advice)questa posizione di lavoro all'Iper"....

  4. Ciao! Sono venuto qui perché Anna lo ha suggerito per un'applicazione della scanalatura di lavoro  Iper.

  5. If you want to say Anna had a talk with the boss of Iper (by the way, are you referring to a work in Italy in a supermarket...?) and she said to him you should get that slot, then:

    Mi manda Anna per quel posto di lavoro all'Iper

    "Mi manda" literally means "she sent me" and the meaning in fact is "I was recommended by her"; it's better not use the expression "Sono stata raccomandata" because, although seems to be quite common :) it's really not polite to tell you are a "raccomandata"...

    Instead, if you mean Anna recommended you to ask for a job at Iper (I mean, she simply said to YOU that Iper is a good place to work in, she did not talk with the boss about you)  


    Salve, sono qui perché Anna mi ha raccomandato (or "consigliato", "advised", which I think is better) di fare richiesta di lavoro all'Iper

  6. It's Like this,

    Ciao! Sono venuto qui perché Anna me ha raccomandato per una domanda di slot di lavoro in Iper.

    Should help

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