My friend has ADD and have been taking these pills that was prescribed. He says it helps him pay attention in class and what not, it also makes him not hungry. He let me try a pill at school so I took the pill, and never felt like this before.It felt really cool, It made me calm and I actually paid more attention in class then I usually do. I even read this book for class, which is one of the most boring books in the world.I also wasn't that mean to people that day, Usually I am bitchy to to people that get on my nerves, maybe because I am usually cranky in the mornings, but today I seemed to be really nice. I know I don't have ADD, I'm doing very well in school without taking the pills anyways and what not, but every now and then I tell my friend to bring me a pill (Usually during test days, and review days) just so I can pay alot of attention. My question is, is it bad or harmful to take ADD pills every now and then, like once every week or two, if you don't have ADDS? Whats results?