
Question/Poll for Ladies??

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Which guy would you rather date...

Guy A.. 6'0, 310 pounds, no job but looking for one, kind of overweight, has a hooked up Toyota Celica, No college experience, real friendly guy, shaved head, pale

Guy B.. 5'10, 190 pounds, very very muscular, works full time, drives a hooked up Honda Accord, very arrogant, short hair, pretty tan, some college




  1. neither

  2. neither

    guy a: no job no college exp big no no he wont be able to get a good enough job to take care of a family if that ever happened

    guy b: i wouldnt go out with an arogent dic*  no matter how much money he had or what kind of car he has

    and thats not enough info about them  do they like kids ect. ect.  

    ive dated a guy with no job before he was arrogent and a as*ho** at the same time didnt work out as hard as i tried

  3. 6'0 guy =A= he has potential to be a good husband. Just because he doesn't have a job doesn't mean he won't get one. Plump just means more cuddly. the tan should make no diff. at all-the other guy sounds like an ***.

  4. guy b!

  5. Neither, these guys both sound like they spend too much time and money on their cars.  Guy A needs to lose weight and get himself a job, then he might be in the running.  Guy B needs to lose the arrogance, and get out of the gym!!

  6. Hmmm... Well guy "B" sounds very attractive but I wouldn’t go for A or B. I know that you can find a "perfect" guy because I have him. Well he is perfect for me so my choice is...

    Guy C... 5'11, 210, very muscular (not very cut but extremely huge muscles that pack a lot of power), bad a** Trans Am & big ol' honken ;0) Dodge Ram, very friendly guy, willing to help in any way he can, business owner, some college, GREAT in bed, makes beautiful babies, affectionate, caring, TALKS ABOUT HIS FEELINGS!!!

    We've had our ups and downs but he is just right for me!

  7. Neither...but if I HAD to choose it would be B

  8. Neither...wouldn't date a guy with no job or an arrogant a**ho**

  9. Your descriptions are really vague.  I would go out with both of them and see what was inside the guy - see how he treated me, did he have a sense of humor, was he stuck on himself, etc.

    Nice guys come in all shapes, sizes and cars, so none of what you have told us would matter at all!

  10. I don't really judge men by appearance.  I meet them and then see if they have a good personality or not.  I currently am in love with a short, shrimpy, skinny boy with thick, messy hair and a long nose who doesn't drive at all at 18 years of age.  But he's REALLY SWEET!!!!

  11. Id have to have a coffee with them or something.  I don't base how I like someone based on stats.  How many people actually only date their specific 'types'?  But in general I don't like arrogant people.  I don't like lazy unmotivated people either but seeing as Guy A is looking for a job puts him a point in favour.  

      But as I said, I might not like either, I'd have to have a coffee with them.

  12. Neither!

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