
Question Regarding Dermatologists?

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What are the standard procedures with Dermatologists and people who come in for acne? What steps exactly do they take to determine whether or not the patient would need to be prescribed anything (accutane for example)?

Is a blood test needed (which is fine)? Would I have to come in regularly for a blood test? Is it only my face that they would check for acne or would they check my back, stomach and possibly genital areas?





  1. They would check your back to see if there's acne there, but I don't think they need a blood test.  They might check your pulse to see if it's doing fine but other wise, they just study what kind of acne you have and what to prescribe for it.  They check for mild, moderate, and severe acne.  Also they might ask questions about your medical history.  Like if you had depression before.  Accutane can cause depression.

  2. they will ask where the problem is at and want to see it,  not sure about genitals but I visited them for face acne and they only need to see it to know what to do no blood taken, there are many other prescriptions they can give besides acutane

  3. If you have very severe nodule acne, the dermatologist will prescribe accutane.  Otherwise, he will prescribe a combination of anti-biotics and Retin-A.  I currently take Doxycycline and use Retin-A gel, but I did not need a blood test for either, I am age 26 with adult acne.  They will check your back and face only.  

    However, you can also purchase accutane over the internet without prescription from overseas, if you do, only look for the manufacturer Roche - it does work.  I did that a few years ago for only a few months because the derm wouldn't prescribe it, but I realized it can be dangerous self-monitoring that medication.

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