
Question Regarding Monkeys?

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Who agrees with the Captive Primate Safety Act? And if it comes up for voting, would you vote YES or NO for it?

The CPSA is an act which will prohibit anyone from crossing state lines with their pet primate. It will also basically stop the purchasing of primates as pets because most people get their pet from another state then which they reside in. It also may make it harder for all of the responcible primate owners to take care of their loved pet.

I personally would wote NO for this act because I am a primate lover and actually have experience with monkeys myself. I am the proud owner of two Capuchin Monkeys, a Squirrel Monkey, and a Spider Monkey. (I do reside in Ohio where it is legal to keep and care for these animals.) I love my companions very much and would do anything for them. And as owning them myself, I would say that they do make exellent and wonderful pets with the time and dedication put into them. They are indeed happier in a household then they are at a zoo. I beleive that anyone who says that "Primates Don't Make Good Pets" has apparently never owned one themselves before because if they have then they would know what a blessing it is to be able to care for one of God's amazing creatures. I also think that the government and legislature is taking our rights away by saying what we can and cannot own, I think that it is everyone's individual right to be able to own what they want. And it is my own business if I own a monkey, not anyone elses! I know for a fact that my monkeys are happy to be living with me in a human enviroment and will most likely live even longer then they would if they were in the wild.

Here are some small little facts to support the truth in primates.

1. There are over 30,000 primates being kept in private ownership.

2. There has been less than 100 recorded primate "attacks"

3. These so called "Attacks" are accounted as little as a scratch, a bite, or (an APE attack).

4. Over 65 of these "attacks" were harmless scratches and bites which were most likely objected through fear. Many other "attacks" were from apes that have excaped from their exhibit's in zoos and are NOT pets.

5. When you hear of most monkey attack stories you are most likely hearing the same story over just told in a different way.

6. Capuchins are thought to be very aggressive and known to be unpredictable and to attack you in their life. This has only happened a few times which consisted of an unneutered sexually mature male, and the attack was delivered to a female human. In order to prevent this from happening you should neuter the males. (female monkeys commonly make better pets although if you are a human male you can own either s*x without any harm.)

7. You are more likely to be attacked by a dog then a primate. And trust me, I have owned many dogs in my life and the bond is no where near as strong as yours' and your primates' bond.

8. Also remember, it is in a primates nature to nip, don't mistake this with a fearful bite. You will know when your primate is not in a good mood.

9. And remember that this is out of the 30,000+ primates that are kept in captivity.

Lastly, I think that you should know, after reading this, why I disagree with the Captive Primate Safety Act.




  1. I agree with you insofar as this is a needless law. I have no problem with people keeping primates so long as they can be proven to have the best of care (mental and physical) as possible.

    I fail to see how this law would prevent shoddy primate management. To me, its like dog-breed banning--it doesn't take care of the real issue, which is the people  improperly keeping the animals.  

    I would support a primate-keeping license based on an evaluation of the applicant's home and financial means.

    The only primate species I would ban the general public from owning are the species that carry the Simian Herpes Virus, namely Rhesus and Crab-eating Macaques.  With a  human mortality rate of 80 percent, its not a disease to be taken lightly.

    I would only allow New World monkeys to be kept. I'm not sure its a great idea to keep apes, either.

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