
Question Removed?

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Two Of My Questions Were Removed, Why Were They Removed!?!?!?!?!?!?

They Weren't Effencive,One Was About Paper Marion For The Wii, The Other Was About Mario And Luigi SuperStar Sega




  1. they may have ran out of time to be answered if you want to try to extend the time for your questions to be answered

  2. I'm not sure, but I have two ideas. One, it could be a mistake and they ment to delete someone else's. Two, it might have been really old so they decided to delete it.

    I'm gonna go with the mistake one.

    Goodbye! ^^

  3. maybe start NOT capitalizing every word, than learn how to spell offensive. jk. i don't know. it's happened to me sooooo many times. there are reporter freaks everywhere! it totally sucks, but you can't do anything about it. i bet they were removed by nintendo haters.

  4. proberly coz no one answered them..

    i had one of mine removed too... it was after a week or something.. no one had answered it. so thats porberly the reason.

  5. maby it expired? or did u fully post the questions up?

  6. Could have been chat questions , read the guidelines.
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