
Question about 'online roulette'.?

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So, do you know if it is fixed to make us lose?

I've always thought so, so I tried it today with some spare cash, what do you think: I covered every number on the board except for 1 and 14. You'd expect quite good results on a real roulette table doing this, as you only have a 2 in 37 chance of losing.

What happened? Number 1 came out twice and then 3 spins later I get 4 number 14's. Hmmmm... It's not like I'm going to try and sue or anything 'cause it was just loose change, but how is it legal? It's like it was rigged to lose.




  1. its legalised theft i play the machines in ladbrokes and its just a con my advice to you is dont play roulette or any fixed odds games it will get the better of you one way or another

  2. Sounds to me like you were cheated.  I have had this happen to me at our Indian casino.  I had covered every number except the zero and it hit 2 times in a row.  THen i bet 2 of 3 columns and lost every time like 15 times in a row.  Computer wheels are made to not pay.  A real wheel gives you a fighting chance.

  3. spot on russ,the regulaters if any are probally in on it aswell.the best roulletteonline is live you see the ball spin live on a proper wheel no computers to rip you off and graphs and stats are available,not bad but keep ya cash russ 36-1 house wins most times,unless you get lucky quick and then run for your life. good luck!!!

  4. The odds are always in casino's favor so you would expect to lose money if you bet on roulette, if you win you had a lot of luck, but if you continue at some point you will lose.

  5. Is this a serious question?  If you put equal amounts of money on all but 2 of the squares, it's IMPOSSIBLE to win.  Not because the game is rigged, but just because that's how it's designed.  Basically you will just get your money back if a non-1 or 14 number hits, and lose everything if it does.  

    You will lose at roulette in the long run no matter what; casinos aren't charities.  The only reason to play is to have fun and maybe go on a lucky streak.  If you want a chance, only put money on a few squares instead of betting all but two of the squares.  That way when one of your numbers hits, you actually come out ahead instead of breaking even.

  6. I suspect the game can very easily be fixed.

    A couple of years ago, I received, through the mail, a CD from a well-known bookmaker, inviting me to download roulette, poker, black and keno.

    I installed the programme and was invited to play with either 'real' money or 'practise' money.

    I took the second option and was given a 'bank' of £500. I 'lost' that amount a couple of times, but as it was not 'real' money, was easily able to top up my 'bank' with another £500.

    On my third try, I managed to play up my £500 to over £60,000, playing poker and roulette, all of course in 'pretend' money, before gradually 'losing' the lot.

    Even then, I was not tempted to try my luck by giving them my bank or credit card details and start playing for real money. I am certain that if I had, I would have been well and truly taken to the cleaners.

  7. What is spare cash?

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