
Question about AT&T's 8525 pda smartphone (WIFI)?

by Guest57566  |  earlier

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I have a question about how to use the wifi feature on the at&t 8525 phone. First of all when i connect to my home network via wifi, the wifi icon in the phone displays that im connected to my wireless network but it also displays an "E" i things it stands for "edge". So my question is; Is this normal? Am i really using my wireless connection or Am i connecting to the internet through At&t. Its just that "edge" thing that is making me guess. ohh and sometimes when i try to connect it say "Connecting to GPRS..." .

So yeah thats my question.




  1. Hopefully you are going into WIFI from the Comm Manager and just pushing the IE button. When you connect go into your Comm Manager and make sure that the icon for your GPRS is not lit. If your home network is encrypted you need to enter your password or you may revert to the default connection, GPRS.

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