
Question about Alisya in yam....?

by  |  earlier

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I want to know more about Alisya......I only know that she live near my house.Can u give me some detail about her???I had seen her face before(not from her avatar pic)....I want to be friend with her....but she don't want to "layan" me.Please give me about her detail.




  1. what is going on?  

  2. hahah.....coz your too handsome cuz.... Kulit you putih macam hantu balan-balan pakai bedak kat muka.

    Dats y she don't want to layan you...she is afarid...haha

  3. ~hi!...about alissya..hmm.....i know alissya ..alissya is my best friend and she is mine..~


    add = i know her lah..we slalu chat sama2 ngan dia n dia ada bagitau pasal awak...!!the hehe!~...she said you budak form 3...

  4. its alisya lah? nyehehehe.

  5. Not bad ... good taste

  6. stalking is bad.

  7. Be a gentleman dude..No pain no gain..Have you considered that if you don't make waves, nobody including yourself will know that you are alive? .....hey good luck

  8. So, she's your love...

  9. wow ! someone in love here ...go on brother...good luck

  10. comment..anyway, good luck!

  11. Alisya? Put her aside. Consider me...

  12. sorry to say that  you are too late and i dah buka and eat the durian. She is now living with me  

  13. laaa...Alisya ke.....frust i tau... ;-p

    well..some ppl just not interested with Internet rape is what women scare off!

    Belang C: hey..i don't say i want to date her?

    Yaya: Laa...after getting know her off course la you want to see her right...

    lol...j/k..just having fun on Saturday. good lucK though

  14. nice try....and good luck

  15. LOL..

    The online dictionary that I use defines 'Layan' as:

    "to care, to serve, to Wait on. to attend on"

    Does that mean you want her to 'serve' and 'attend' to you?

    If so my friend then I think it's better you hire a housemaid or something like that...LOL...

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