
Question about Anarchy!?

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Can you be an Anarchist but still have political views?

This is kind of like a "point of view" or "opinion" question.

Don't answer if your gonna say something stupid like "your stupid" or whatnot.




  1. Anarchy is a political philosophy. Anarchy proposes a political system with weak leadership.

    Incidentally, more world leaders were assassinated by anarchists that any other group, including muslim extremists.

  2. WOW MAN, its a jungle out there!

    We have what is supposed to be RULE OF LAW

    right now, however the more that GREED INC.

    and Congress ignore RULE OF LAW,

    the more we approach the day when the world will experience real Anarchy!

  3. Anarchy is a political philosophy (point of view). The politics of Anarchy is simple. Every man/woman or child for him/herself. The strongest and most cunning survive. The rest are supper.

  4. Anarchists come in many shapes and they hold differing opinions on how anarchy should be viewed.

    The true anarchist believes that it is everybody for themselves with no rules of any kind.

    The creative anarchist accepts minimal rules to make living easier for his/her group but prefers no central ruling body.

    The centrist anarchist prefers a single guiding body for external rules but no internal ruling body.

    The list goes on with about 30 or so various types of anarchy.

  5. Anarchy is a political view and there are varying schools of thought within anarchy, such as anarcho-capitalism, anarcho-syndicalism, anarcho-pacifism, green anarchism, mutualism, individualist anarchism, agorism, or anarchy without hyphens.  Different anarchists will disagree with other anarchists.  Usually the differences in the schools is where to put emphasis on the individual compared to the collective.

    It has a rich and wonderful history (only a portion of anarchy has been violent) and filled with many political philosophers such as Krotopkin, Proudhon, Stirner, Rothbard, Tucker, Bakunin, Goldman, Block, Spooner, David Friedman, etc.

    Anarchy means "without ruler" and it is against compulsory forms of government.  It does not mean lawlessness and chaos, but it is against a coercive state.

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