
Question about Army Jag.

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Hey, I was in army ROTC for a while but decided not to join the army because I want go to law school. My question is, if I decide to join right after I get my BA then go to law school can I be non-deployable for the time I am in Law school? Like you would be non-deployable if you are SMP'ed? I really want to join ASAP; rather than wait 3 more years till I graduate from law school. But, getting my law degree comes first so If I am deployable I will wait.




  1. I am trying to follow your want to join after you get your BA, but before law school, then be non-deployable? You can't have it both ways if your in a unit that 'rolls out' just because you don't fell like deploying. Why don't you just wait till you finish ALL your schoolling then join. Are you just trying to join to get some bills and loans re-payed?

    No, you won't get deployed if you get selected for the Army JAG program. You get locked in, trained, then become an Army lawyer. Then you go to your unit and it will depend on what their status is if you deploy right away.

    Talk to a recruiter about the program before you decide not to do it. You are missing out by not going ROTC and will have to make up for lost time because of your fear of deploying and will have to come in enlisted and go OCS or go back to college, go ROTC,complete those last years, and lastly you  can come in and go straight OCS, then go JAG, but talk to a recruiter and have them map this out for you.

    I work with Soldiers in JAG who have degrees like me, want to be officers (not like me) and now have to wait months or years till they ETS or get their packets selected and wait months for OCS. I just want to save you the pain

  2. If you join up after you get your BA and the go to law school, you will still be deployable while in Law School.  It does not work like the simultaneous membership program.  You would just have to take your chances.  

    If you were still in high school, you could go in under the College First program, but that option is not available to current college students.

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