
Question about Australia(ns)... ?

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Does anyone think/feel that some Australians/Sydneysiders are really racist?

Do you think Australia in general is a racist or tolerant society?

Have you been to any other countries you find a lot more racist/xenophobic than Australia?

Any (racism) experiences? If so, tell of your experiences whether in Australia or another country.

Just wondering...





  1. its easy to beleive some of us are racist.  We are the most multi-cultural nation in the world.

    In any given day we go past many different nationalities.  Whether it be walking, working at school, shopping, on the bus etc..., . This happens every day and we never think, say or judge anything.

    However, on occasions nationalities are brought to our attention, mostly through media.  When this happens everybody seems to have an opionion, a comment or thought. Most of the time this happens momentararly and then we continue on our merry way.

    Of course there are the minority, the ones who push their opinions and beliefs.  Luckily, they are the few minority and unfortunately they seem to get media exposure.

    Therefor, i believe we are not a racist nation on the scale of muti-culturalism.  Just take a look at some other countries, if you are not in their religion you are killed.  

  2. I own a roadhouse in central NSW.

    One day was walking around the dining room cleaning etc and saw what I believed to be Muslums pulling out a blanket and putting it on the ground. They started to pray and an old gentleman here in town came running over throwing things at them telling them that this is Australia. A Christian country as he called it and yelling that they had no right to pray on his ground. This was all from a 63 year old man.

    I have never seen anything so discusting in my life.

    Australia is just as racist as any country can be. I just dont think it is as well promoted as say America.

  3. I don't know about Sydney. I haven't been they for quite a few years.

    In general I think we live in a tolerant society.

    Naturally, you will get some intolerant fools here the same as anywhere else in the world.

    The attitude by some people, not all, particularly in some of the Southern States of the USA shocked me.

    None that I'm going to mention here.

  4. There are a heap of countries more xenophobic than Australia. Around 75% of Australian's or at least one of their parents was born overseas. Thus their is a huge mix of people from all over the world here, someone new is not noticed as being any different, generally. Obviously there will always be some undesirable elements, but they are fairly few and far between.

    On the other hand, many other countries are almost ethnically pure and are often hostile to people who grew up just a short distance away because they're of a different ethnicity.

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