
Question about Automotive Engineering...?

by Guest45342  |  earlier

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I am a 15 year old in Australia. Since i started watching Top Gear and expanded my knowledge on cars, i have since wanted to become an Automotive Engineer.

I Know Automoive Engineering is a broad and not a precise word, but could you please explain what one does to earn a living in Automotive Engineering (This is after graduating an undergraduate course on Auto. Engineering)?

I am thinking more towards developing engines and the position of the engine inside the vehicle.

Is it a high paying job? Would you say its a blue collar or a white collar?

Many people gets confsused with an Engineer and a Mechanic, I quite dont understand the difference either but i know the engineer is the one with the big house, the jag and the large office whereas mechanics do practical work.

Is what i think about the difference right?

i would appreciate it if you answered all my questions :)





  1. hi frnd first u will study about i.c engines basics and think abt the car that which all are the parts like gear boxes,wheel assembly,design of piston,cylinder..observe all the things in the practical manner .and the diff btwn engr and mechanic is that mechanic cant think of how the things are going on he just simply work

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