
Question about BBT and Ovulation?

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I have been charting me BBT with a regular thermometer for about 4 cycles now and every cycle I would be at 96.5 until I ovulated then go up to 97.5. However, this cycle I bought a actual bbt thermometer. And I am using a CBEFM as well. Here is my charts for this cycle.














cd14-96.5 (low monitor reading, some slight brown discharge Not normal for me)

cd15-97.2 (high monitor reading)

cd16-97.0 (high monitor reading)

cd17-97.2 (high monitor reading)

cd18- 96.5 (high monitor reading)

cd19-97.2 (high reading, strong urge to urinate thought I had a UTI it was so bad, cramps on right side spotting) again not normal 4 me

cd20- 97.0 (peak reading) decided to do my old thermometer as well it read 97.5 which always meant ovulation has occured when my monitor is just giving me my first peak reading. confused!

cd21-97.5 (peak reading) old thermometer still says 97.5 still frequent need to urinate.

cd22-97.5 (high reading) slimy like discharge when wiping after restroom, still strong urge to pee, went to doctor said I have no UTI asked if I could be preg. I told her my monitor just showed I ovulated 2 days ago.

What do you think of my charts? Could I of ovulated earlier and for whatever reason my monitor didn't catch this? I tested low from CD7 on until CD15. But I can't figure out why my old thermometer would of temp'd me at 97.5 the day I peaked when every other cycle I didn't hit 97.5 until after ovulation! Needless to say im confused any suggestions or thoughts would be appreciated! Thank you




  1. First of all, a regular thermometer can't detect ovulation because they aren't sensitive enough. So forget what your old thermometer said and just go with what your digital Basal Body Themometer says. I hope your new one is digital! I think they are best and leave less room for user error.

    Second, I recommend you start using  You can plot all your readings on it. It will help you pinpoint ovulation. And its free for their basic fertility charting.

    Third, your BBT and your  CBEFM both AGREE on when you ovulated (cycle day 21) so its not like much interpretation is necessary.  Both say you ovulated on CD 21, with a preovulatory "baseline" of 97.2.  You interpret your chart by looking at the first three raised temperatures above the baseline.  Your first BBT reading above your baseline was on CD 21.

    And there is no way the CBEFM could detect an LH surge in your urine (which is what causes the peak reading) 5 days after you ovulate. The LH surge is just that a "surge" and it happens very quickly to trigger the egg release and then is gone from your system.

    As for the discharge, are you aware that your body produces cervical fluid when you ovulate (this fluid allows the sperm to travel to your fallopian tubes).  This fluid most resembles raw egg whites. Maybe that is what you have?

    If not, see a doctor, because you might have an infection?  But it sounds like normal cervical fluid to me.

  2. I would go by your temps and Cervical mucus before trusting your CBEFM because your LH may have surged after you tested etc.  Your most trusted proof of ovulation is your temps and CM, by the looks of things you ovulated CD 14, which is so text book, your very lucky.  Your temps look good, hope you BDed CD12-15, if you did I would do an early pregnancy test, or wait until cd 28 to do a hpt then if you don't like testing early.

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