
Question about BRACES??! please help!?

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i went to the orthodontist (Western Dental) and they gave me an estimate of about $4,050.00 USD. Is that expensive? I only have a little space between my front two teeth and a tooth in the back that is not quite in alignment. If this is expensive, where else do you recommend me go for a better deal? Thank you. Also, on average, how much are braces in California? DO THE PRICES GO UP, DOWN, OR STAY THE SAME AS TIME PROGRESSES?

P.S. My parents don't trust dental school work or in-training dentists (to be on the safe side). We're looking for professionals with a degree.




  1. For braces? No, that is not expensive. Mine were like, $4200 USD.

    My cousin had the same thing, but her teeth straightened out on their own. Then, when she was 17, her last few teeth grew in wrong and now sh eneeds braces because her whole mouth is screwed up. I would go ahead and get them; my braces don't bother me at all.

  2. Just don't get them... They are h**l to go through, trust me.

  3. That is NOT expensive.

  4. That is a normal estimate for braces and yes the cost is going to go up as you wait to get them.  Braces are the best to striaghten your teeth because you may not know this, but your teeth move together.  If you pull on one tooth, the others will follow even the ones that are above/below them.  They do this to protect your jaw, if your teeth are not fitting whenever you bite down, then your chances of TMJ are greatly increased.  Braces are not bad and some orthodontist have payment options to help you pay off your braces (like 200 dollars a month for 2 years).

  5. ONLY 4K???

    lucky..mine are 6.5k. -___-

    i dont believe thats too expensive, it really depends on the quality of the orthodontist. try looking up reviews on the internet :D

    hope it helped!

  6. S**T I hade braces in 1985 and they were $2000. So $4,000 and $6.5, that's outrageous. Keep the money and go buy a car lol.

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