
Question about Barack Obama?

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I am not American and dont live in the USA, so dont bash me for asking this. A few people have said he has "non christian values".

Elaborate please?




  1. Because they are extremely prejudiced, If he is pro-abortion, they will say he eats babbies, if he is pro g*y marriage they will call him a f*g, I think it is because he is  a black man and Americans are very uncomfortable with challenging the status quo and would rather have a semi-geriatric cardboard cut-out, who is conservative and unoriginal, like 90 per cent of their previous selections..

  2. People who say he has "non-Christian values" are usually trying to imply without saying it that he is a secret Muslim.  The fact that he believes in Christ and belongs to a church isn't sufficient for them.  They are afraid because he comes from a different background than most people in this culture.  He was born to a black/white couple in a time when this behavior was considered totally unacceptable.  He did not spend his entire childhood in the United States, and therefore did not attend traditional American schools.  And not only was his father black, but he was not an American citizen.  All of these things make them fear him, so they use anything they can to try to discredit him.  If you follow the logic that they say that because he is pro-choice and not rigidly anti-g*y, then you would have to assume that these same people consider most Americans not to be Christian, which would eliminate all but the religious right.  Despite their noise and supposed influence, the religious right is actually a small minority of all Christians.

  3. The Republican base is conservative evangelical Christians and their way of discrediting Senator Obama is by intimating that he is some how "un-christian". He supports freedom of choice in all things including religion and that is a huge issue for evangelicals.

    This nation was created on the premise of religious freedom, that is , the right to choose how, what, and if to worship, not upon "Christian Values".

  4. It's because he supports Abortion and g*y Marriage.

  5. Mabel,  I suppose since Obama supports issues such as abortion, same s*x marriage and stem cell research some people have said he has "non christian values".

    This is one thing about Obama that bothers me:

    As an Illinois state senator, Mr. Obama voted against the Illinois Born Alive Infants Protection Act, a bill that protected babies who survive abortions. Last year, the senator condemned the Supreme Court's ban on partial-birth abortion.  

  6. He supports abortion(murder) and g*y marriage.  Not Christian at all.

  7. Many Americans hold views against homosexuality and abort based on Christianity.

    Others believe in helping the poor and providing opportunities for all, so they support Mr. Obama for the same reason.

  8. it means that he's not a fundie like some of the republicans, like Sarah Paulin who claimed that American forces are on a task from god in Iraq...

  9. It depends on who you talk to, and what THEIR Christian values are. I know many Christians who adore this man, and I know some Christians who say He is an antichrist.

    What you are referring to, is the wave of people who have been following his speeches and such.

    Hehas come forth, not completely sure on his stance as to what "religion" or faith he is, but has really put forth the concept of "peace by unity" and that includes, in fact is top priority for him, uniting religious beliefs. That means to compromise,of not give up, your faith for peace.

    No doubt religion is the main thing that separates us all and creates division and war, but, it is one's faith that a person holds dearest. Asking them to give that up is like saying- admit you're wrong, or admit they could be right, and give up your livelihood.

    Christianity is not a religion to some, but a way of life- who they are.

    And Barack Obama has openly made comments that blaspheme the Word of God and come against God Himself.

    Some Christian values are on things like abortion, homosexuality, etc... Obama had taken a stand for things that go against the Word of God in moral areas. This includes s*x education for kindergarteners. Wild stuff.

    But, this is why a lot of Christians are not just saying they arent voting for him, but why they are so strongly against him- it has more to do that a preference thing, it actually has to do with what he stands for and what he is saying against God.

    Hope that helped.

    Below are some sources for you, and videos on the things I wrote above.

  10. I suppose they say that because he's a democrat, which pretty much makes him pro-choice and anti-war.  Those are non-Christian values.

  11. What difference does it make if he doesn't have christian values.

    Do you have to be a christian to be a citizen of the US?

    are the requirements to run for president that you be 35, white, male and Christian?

    For the self-proclaimed melting pot, the US is really segregated and prejudiced compared to most other nations.

  12. The Religious Right backs Republicans.  In order to sway their base to vote Republican, they have to tell their base that Obama is not a real Christian.

  13. He is for infanticide, and that is an abomination of human existence.

  14. That would be the religious reich talking.  In the US the fundamentalist and evangelical extremists all (for the most part) back the GOP (see Jesus Camp).  They've put forth that obama isn't american, is muslim, is the anti-christ, thinks he's jesus, etc, etc, etc.

    It's Rove politics at their best (worst).

  15. Well, he claims Christianity but for twenty years he belonged to a church that denounced the US and preached hatred toward white people.

    He was born to a Muslim father and attended grade school as a Muslim, which he has lied about doing.

    He is pro-abortion and was one of only a few senators in Illnois that voted against the "born alive" bill. This bill said that a baby that survived the abortion procedure must be given medical care. He stated that this was not right as the decision to abort was already made and that this bill would reverse the decision of the mother. So, basically he is saying that if a baby survives the abortion then it must be left to die anyway.

  16. "Thou shalt not kill" but he supports partial birth abortions, even to allowing babies who live through it to die of neglect. Proof is there for the researching.

    That is the one that gets me. I believe there is more, but until I research and get the truth, I hesitate to put it here.

    Edit; Kilroys' link points out some serious un-american leanings. that does not necessarily mean anti-christian, but definitely deserves some serious research. Not something I want in a leader for my country.

  17. He's not Muslim for sure

  18. hees a islam h**l blow up amurika

  19. like Brother EARL T up there said. Brother Earl T is a political analyst for Fox News. he's life long Republican too.

  20. Of course, because there is no such values


  22. Yes I can elaborate.

    In US political jargon "Christian values" are code words for restricting the right to abortion as much as possible, continuing to prevent any recognition of g*y partnership, pushing creationism in schools and banning medical research on the unused fertilized ova of fertility clinics (the fact that the other alternative is simply to  throw them away is usually glossed over).

    Christian values in this context mean very little, in fact nothing, to do with the message of Christ, which is to love each other, help the poor, and so on, but instead mean kowtowing to the right wing regressive social conservatism that has corrupted the Republican party over the last 30-40 years or so.

  23. He thinks Americans should have the rights guaranteed them in the Constitution. What could be more patriotic?

    He thinks that Christians should render unto God what is God's and unto Caesar what is Caesar's...what could be more Christian?

  24. He's Christian. I think he's just not right-wing orthodox enough for some people. Maybe he needs to talk about God more in his speeches.

    Instead of "When I got out of bed this morning", he could say, "When God got me out of bed this morning".

  25. As you can see, there is a growing amount of attention given to the "religious right".  Also known as the "moral Majority" they have fundamentalist Christian values that are almost countercultural to the rest of the citizens in the USA.

    However, they are highly organized and quite wealthy , so they are able to assert thier opinions on media and public space.

    In order to scare ppl away from Obama, they say he is not Christian. On top of this, they say that America is doing poorly because it is not Christian enough. This is suppose to scare people, but its not working very well.

    Truth be told, it is a VERY difficult time to be an American right now. On top of being poorer, we are in the middle of what seems to be a never ending occupation in the middle east, and the values we hold so dear are changing with a coming generation.  The elections have gone from interesting to downright messy. Everyone feels they have the answer to the mounting problems we face.

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