
Question about Betta fish eggs?

by  |  earlier

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I put a female betta in with a male since I needed to buy a more suitable container for one of them later on this week. The bowl isn't all that small, but it's definitely not large either. I'd say it's a little less than half a gallon.

I found out this morning that the male had made a bubble nest and there were eggs in it.

What should I do? I have a five gallon tank I could transfer the nest to, but I think that would be rather risky. I'd worry about the temperature of the new water and breaking the nest apart. Should I wait until the eggs hatch and the fry begin to swim before transferring them to the five gallon tank?




  1. It's best to leave the babies where they are and move the adults.

    Don't disturb the nest.  If you're gonna do anything, wait till all the babies are free swimming.

  2. You need to leave them in there with the male,he`ll take care of them,when they hatch and are free swimming then just remove the male.

  3. you cannot move a bubble nest. its too fragile. just remove the female and let the male guard the eggs.

    when the fry hatch, remove the male. its better and easier to move 1 big fish than 100s of small fish!!

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