
Question about Black Kuhli Loaches

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I saw a Black Loach at Petsmart the other day and we are going back on Wednesday. I ws wondering if I got 2 or 3 if they would be okay with my three Gold Claw Crabs? The tank if 29 Gallons with alot of Platies and Guppies




  1. no, they will both hang out on the night time there will be a murder..

  2. Just as important as the crabs' need for air, as they lack gills, is their need for brackish water-- the elevated concentration of dissolved minerals in brackish water allows them to regenerate their shell after molting-- in freshwater, after molting, the crabs will be stuck "naked", and will eventually die because of it.  Guppies would be fine in a brackish paludarium (both an aquarium and terrarium), but the Platies wouldn't fair so well, and the Black Kuhlis would die within days due to the salt levels.  I would strongly suggest just taking the crabs back, as that will also negate the risk of them eating your other fish, which is very likely if they're left in the tank.

  3. Gold Claw Crabs need land and water or they will die. They might live a few months under water but they will die.

    Black Kuhli Loaches are fine with platies and guppies.


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