
Question about Britain and Ireland?

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ever since 2006 i have been really interested about those two and i have many questions about it-

please only asnwer this if you live there

what is the timer currently for you?

where are you from? (details please)

other then that can you please tell me whats it like living there and what it would be like for a Canadian such as myself to be there- would you think i like it ( i really like Rain and all that cathidral stuff it really interests me about arcatect (sorry bad spelling)

i really want to move there when i am older so please tell me anything you can ( also including what it might be for a Canadian would be nice)

please please please answer me- i jsut really would like know everything about it form someone who actually lives there

(also does Ireland have alot of grassy hills and nice views?)




  1. I live in Scotland and you would love it.

    I live outside the city of Glasgow. It is a morden trendy city and it would be one of the places you would want to visit.

    The UK and Ireland are very old countries, around long before Canada and has heaps of history, lots of castles and old buildings to visits.

    Yea, Ireland is very green as well as the Scotland and the rest of the UK....

    You should come on holiday and you'll know if you want to live here. It isn't the cheapest of places to live in the world.

    Some photos:

    England / Scottish border -

    From my window -

  2. Ireland is the most beautiful country on earth, both for architecture and grassy hills/mountains/good views etc.

    Cost of living is quite high and running a car there is VERY expensive due to high insurance costs and taxes.

    Life is very easy and people are just so easy going.

    It does rain all the time but it doesnt bother anyone because it just adds to the feeling.

    My opinion is that the west and north west side of ireland is the best and the most traditional.

    Dublin is the place everyone heads for to see ireland but you gotta really travel all over Ireland to appreciate the variety of the culture.

    If you get the chance go for it.

    Happy dayz and good luck

  3. Hey I've been living in Ireland all my life. Its a great place and I'm from and still am in Laois in the central midlands. Its a great place to live, rural and yet near major towns (as Irish major towns go). We don't get as much snow as Canada, roughly 5 days a year or so, but rain... we get plenty of that because it blows in from the Atantic. Green fields all round and plenty of small wildlife. If you go West Ireland there are plenty of lakes and rivers around too (and mountains).

    We have loads of Cathedrals, churches and all the ones in between. Most are over 100 years old and its evenly split between gothic style churches and modern churches. If you are or want to become an architect there are loads of oppurtunities for you here, Ireland is practically begging for them.

    For a Canadian living in Ireland would be no different than an Irish (you might get a few strange looks about the accent though, but after 6 months you'll blend right in =)  ). One thing you'll have to get used to is the increase of cost and the €uro. h**l, I took a taxi the other night after being out and it cost me €30 for a ten minute drive... Then again the wages are far higher and keep up with the cost.

    Perhaps you could send an email to the Canadian embassy in Ireland? Linky is at

  4. Ireland has lots of grassy hills and nice views.

    I'm from the south-west of Ireland.

    There is red tape and bureaucracy to deal with when you move to another country, and the easiest thing to do for someone like you is to find out if you can get citizenship for a European Union country.

    Before moving anywhere, spend a year living there first. It might not be as nice as you expected.

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