
Question about British and Australian citizenship.?

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Here's the situation. I'm half British and half Australian living in the US. Born in the UK, I lived in both countries until I was 15. now over 18, I can start doing things and go places. so my question is.

1. What are some benefits having British/Australian. citizenships?

(ex: can I live in any country that's a member of the EU union?)

2. How do I receive the benefits of the citizenship to the fullest, can I get some kind of pension at 65?, health benefits? and can I still enlist in the military?

3. would I get 2 pensions when I'm 65? British and Australian?

4. Since I live in the US. and with permanent resident, can i get 3 citizenships? GB, AU and US?. if so does that mean 3 pensions??? would I have to give up one?. and yes, I do have an American green card.

5. Which countries can I live in? any British common wealth countries? and to which countries do I need visa?

*I'm proud of being English, I just need to know more about my identity and what I'm able to do with it.*




  1. 1. You can go and live and work in Australia if you want to or you can go and live and work in any EU country if you want to.

    2. You don't automatically get pension at age 65 just for being a citizen.  Countries that have public pension plans will pay out when you are older depending on how much you contributed.  If you never worked in that country, you would get nothing from them except possibly welfare money if you lived there and had no other income.   Health benefits depend on where you live.  If you went to the UK to live there, you would get free health care.  If you go there as a tourist, no.

    3: see 2

    4. Yes, you can get 3 citizenships and no, that doesn't mean 3 pensions.

    5. I know you would still need a work permit if you wanted to go to Canada even though it's a commonwealth country so no.

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