I've been having anxiety problems lately. I've been real shaky and I get nervous alot and I flip over things real easily. I was diagnosed with Anxiety Disorder when I was about 15 and took medicine until I turned 18 and no longer had insurance. I finally went to the doctor for it and they gave me a prescription for Buspar...Everytime I take it, I get sick to my stomach and can't eat so I stopped taking it until I can get back to the doctor. My dad btw has had 6 nervous breakdowns and they say this is genetic. Well, he is prescribed Xanax, which is about the only thing that I can seem to calm down on. Do you think I should tell the doctor this...or just keep trying whatever they give me? I'm sick of trying this and that and nothing working but I don't wanna go in there and say, "hey...give me this" ..Whatcha think??