
Question about CMU, Fordham, and NYU?

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Although I'm only a sophomore in high school, I've started to look at colleges. I plan on going pre-med; my mind is pretty made up. However, I know this may change.

Anyways, I was curious about Carnegie Mellon, Fordham, and NYU. I know these schools are very hard to get into, but I think that if I put my mind to it- I can do it.

My Stats:

-ACT/SAT: Obviously, not taken (I know this is a deciding factor)

-4.0 GPA

-A Honor for 12 consecutive weeks (so far, all of high/middle school)

-Honors math classes

-Golf (3 years)

-Speech (all of high school i will do it) 2nd alt. to state


-Science Club

-Guthrie Theater Workshop

-4 works published in "Anthology of Short Stories by Young Americans"

-Yearbook (this year)

-Knowledge Bowl (high school/middle school)

-Life Smarts

-Cross Country or Soccer (next year)

I know no one on here knows for sure, but if I continue to have these stats-do I have a good shot at being accepted to these universities?

ALSO: If I would do PSEO (post-secondary enrollment options) at MSU, Mankato (a state university) my junior and senior years- would this look very good on a college application to these (and other) colleges?




  1. I can't tell you anything without your SAT Scores.

    You remind me of myself.  I really wanted to go to NYU and I got in too...but I didn't go.  You also remind of a lot of annoying kids on this website, a place I used to go back in HS when I would freak out about this stuff all day long....

    Look, I'm sure you can get in too...especially if you have a 4.0

    Shoot for a 1350+ on the SAT and at least a 3.70  UNWEIGHTED GPA. They don't really care about your extra activities though...but you already have a ton so it won't hurt  you.  Do these things and you'll be set for admission.  If you want to go to Stern (the NYU Business school), try to get around a 1420 and a 3.70.

    These arent random numbers.  Trust me, I know what it takes to get into that school.  Good luck.

    EDIT: I got a thumbs down?  ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?!  This is one of the few answers that I put effort into on Yahoo Answers and I GOT A FREAKING THUMBS DOWN?!  I told the asker what he REALLY needed to do to get in...none of that "Be involved" CRAPOLA!  I bet the kid that gave me a thumbs down was the one who answered right after me!  Has the competition for best answer really become this SERIOUS?!  Look, I know students at Fordham and in NY are competitive...but if you wanna bring the competition on stupid yahoo answers...then BRING IT ON!  I'M NOT BACKING DOWN!  Let's take it to the mattresses!

    Yeah, I'm a bit hyper.  SO WHAT?!

    My voice has been heard!

  2. Wow... you are me two years ago. CMU, NYU and Fordham were pretty high up on my list. (I got into NYU and Fordham, CMU wait listed me)

    Your stats are pretty good, you should just try to maintain them. Also, don't go overboard with the extra curricular activities. Colleges would rather see a small number of activities that you're passionately involved in than a whole bunch that you don't really care about.

    You should try to get an SAT score in the 1400's.

    Lastly, probably the most important part of your application, is your essay. Make sure you have it checked by at least 3 teachers. It's what separates you from the rest of the applicants.

    To further improve your chances, apply EA (Early Action.) Your application is compared with a much smaller pool of applicants.

    I'm currently attending Fordham University, and I love it.

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