
Question about Catcher in the Rye!!!!!!!!!!!?

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Was there any significance on the way Holden wore his hunting cap?

and what does the essay he wrote for stradlater symbolize?






    he talks about that at about 2:22 in this video.

  2. The Catcher in the Rye is a classic.  There are numerous free on line resources that can help you with your study of this novel, most of which analyze the story, discuss themes and symbolism and other literary devices, and give character sketches.  If you do a search you will find many helpful resources.  Additionally hundreds of questions have been asked here on Y!A about The Catcher in the Rye so do a search for it in the Yahoo Answers search window and you will find lots of Q’s and A’s that should help you.

  3. Not much significance in the hunting cap, except that it was a sort of camouflage, and it gave Holden a sense he was protected, even as he hunted for reasons to live. (<-- that last part: Holden was on a hunt throughout the book... hunting for a good time, for time, for life...)

    The essay Holden wrote shows that Holden actually can write a good essay, without trying. It symbolizes the real intelligence that only a few teachers and few students at school knew Holden had.

  4. i cant answer cause i havent read it. i went to the library to get a book. and my older brother got that book. but he hasnt read it and we got it like a month ago., ah such a lazy brother

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