
Question about Civil Engineering?

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Hi, im just starting my A-Levels i recently took physics, maths, economics and geography. I have serveral questions for people studying civil engineering or any civil engineers themselves. (I have been on internet just wanted insite from someone)

A)Are my A-level choices sufficient to the course??

B)A quick review on the course for a civil engineer (about the course, whether it was worth it or not)

C)Any problems during the course-lack of experience/knowledge e.g ICT skills or what ever.

By the way im in the uk hopefull going to study in london, loughbrough, bath or nothingham.

Thanks for any help! (10 points best answer!)




  1. Ok I'm not an engineer but I know a few. You've got A-level maths and physics so you should be fine for the course. If you have any gaps in your knowledge then probably other people on your course are likely to have the same ones and the uni will do their best to fill them.

  2. a)Thats more than sufficient.

    b)Civil Engineering is a EVERGREEN FIELD. (Its a safe bet!)

    c)Notatall a problem. Its a student friendly, very interesting field for study.

    d)UK universities are the best for the student.

    All the best  

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