
Question about David Icke and his books?

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I just read a book of David Icke. But the question that keeps coming up in my head is: Why is Icke still alive (as harsh as it sounds) after saying all these things about shapeshifting reptilians, naming powerful people, etc.? Why can he still publish books and videos after so many years? Sometimes I wonder if I can believe this guy. His research does make sense many times (for example when he talks about the dangers of TETRA and other forms of radiation, artificial ingredients in food, etc.). But I wonder why, if he exposes so many horrifying things (child abuse, drug dealing, etc.) about Clinton, Father Bush, etc. (which would put any normal person in jail, but not these former presidents), why is he allowed to do that by the Illuminati? Is he just one of them trying to confuse people even more or telling them only half the truth? Or is he really an honest guy who just did a lot of research and is now exposing these facts that many people don't know about?




  1. David Icke was an honest soccer player and sports commentator, when he began experiencing intimations of other realities.

    He received a mystical awakening in South America, and continues to publish what he honestly believes.

    His main point is Love conquers fear and opposition.

    His explanation for being somewhat impervious is "too public to fail," i.e., his message's import would be significantly enhanced if he were to be silenced.

    Other authors along similar lines:

    Jim Marrs, "Rule by Secrecy,"

    Mark Prophet, "The Soulless One" and "The Path of the Higher Self,"

    Daniel Estulin, "The True Story of the Bilderberger Group,"

    Jim Keith, "Casebook on Alternative Three,"

    Colonel Philip Corso, "The Day after Roswell,

    Dan Sherman, "Above Black,"

    Dr. Olga Kharitidi, "Entering the Circle" and "The Master of Lucid Dreams,"

    Colton and Murro, "Galaxy Gate,"

    "The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?", Free and Wilcock,

    and, just for fun, "Alcatraz versus the Evil Librarians," Brandon Sanderson.

  2. who knows!  I think he's exposing a lot of what's going on. He's trying to wake up people from the stupor the media and everything else that is keeping so many people from doing so.  There is too much going on, and people just don't want to believe it, even though everything is hitting the fan! Stay awake, and try to wake others up too.    

  3. And the Nordics live in caves underground and are waiting to burst out to take over the earth.  The royal families of all Europe are reptilian shape shifters who to this day sacrifice children.  

    How about going back to his books.  Pick out ONE, just ONE, of this thesis sentences.  Draw up an outline of his supporting arguments.  Then go do the research for yourself, both pro and con.

    Even if David Icke started out on the trail of something a long time ago, he went past the point of believability and sanity before he ever had a chance to prove anything.  He lost his credibility.  For every viewpoint he claims he can "prove," there are a couple hundred wackos who can disprove his assertions and in the process attempt to prove their own lunacies.  

    Hollywood was turning Icke's ideas into tv series and movies before Icke ever had the thoughts.  

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