
Question about Dr. Jeff Meldrum...?

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Would you all please give me your impressions of Dr. Jeff Meldrum... He is an associate professor of anatomy and anthropology at Idaho State University... He is also a big proponent for the existance of Sasquatch (or Bigfoot)...

Do you think he is wasting his time, or do you think Bigfoot is an as yet undiscovered ape-like creature?

All thoughts and opinions are appreciated...




  1. I think he is another flat tailed thing!!!!  hehehe

  2. I'm not sure that Meldrum does a good job of supporting his 'footprint' theory.  Basically, he says that a real footprint in hard to duplicate.  He gives the example of a person wearing fake shoes, and says that the proportional wieght wouldn't make the an impression on the ground consistent with the footprints that he has found.

    Although I am a big fan of forensic science, there is a simple truth when using the scientific method.  When you are convinced of the truth before conclusive evidence has come to light, your tendancy is to ignore alternate explinations.  I think it's possible that Meldrum is suffering from such a malady.  He seems to WANT this evidence to point to Bigfoot, instead of a scam-artist(s).  

    It's seems VERY unlikely that a group of sentient primates are purposely hiding from human kind, and that not a single skeleton has been found.  It's seems much more likely that the University of Idaho encourages Meldrum because the Bigfoot exhibit draws visitors, and makes for a unique attraction to thier school.  Bigfoot is part of our's fun to have such legends.  I think that Idaho University is just capitalizing on this aspect of Medrum's research.

    I'm reminded of an exchange in the movie 'Ghostbusters'.

    University Dean: " ...your theories are the worst kind of popular tripe, your methods are sloppy, and your conclusions are highly questionable.  In short, you are a poor scientist, Dr. Venkman."

    Venkman (Bill Murray):  " Yeah, but the kids love us...."

  3. It wouldn't surprise me if it did exsist.  He is probably not wasting his time.  If anything, it is fun to think that there are things that can't be explained yet.

  4. it is possible that Sasquatch or Bigfoot is a real and existing species, however the other possibility is that it is a Tupla... a Tupla is created by the mind.. It is in fact real but it is made real by the imagination of those that see it..The Tupla eventually becomes real on its own and does his/her her own thing..From what i've read, Everything that happened at the Amittyville  Horrer House was in fact just a Tupla..some also believe that The Lock Ness Monster was another example of a Tulpa... Its hard to explain really.... Perhaps, These links will help explain more about a Tupla:

    Hope this helps!

  5. The only existing film of Bigfoot ever taken (17 seconds, from 1967), was debunked, when the partner of the man filming (who wore a gorilla suit), said on his deathbed, "I really had them going, didn't I?"...

  6. Bigfoot could exist since there are large non-human primates on other continents.  The amount of them and their elusiveness make it possible that it is a hoax or myth.  When a body is found, shot and/or dead, then the mystery will be ended. Until that time it will be a questionable interest.

  7. My issue with Bigfoot, Sasquatch et al is "where's the body?"

    There needs to be a viable breeding population. That's how the supposed sighting can go back centuries. No viable population, then the critter dies out.

    The North American black bear occupies the same general habitat with similar size and diet ("Solitary, but come together for breeding, Omnivorous: which means it eats fruits, nuts, vegetables, breads. Standing: 4-7 ft. Length: 4-6 ft. Weight: Average male 425 lbs. Average female 200 lbs. ")

    "the total black bear population in North America is close to pre-settlement numbers - about 1 million. In the US alone there are more than an estimated 600,000 black bear. Stable populations of black bears are found in 38 states and most of Canada. "

    There's enough black bears so people hunt them. This brings back "Where's the body?"

    Given the number of kills allowed (Maryland allows 40-55 and Alaska 900-1400. See links below) it's a statistical certainty that a hunter would meet up with a Bigfoot and have the means to kill it. "Where's the body?"

    "Monsterquest" is the latest to go after Bigfoot. There was also a rerun of a 2003 attempt to examine evidence of the creature. Evidence is not good. DNA contaminated, review of  the Patterson movie often seems to be more an ink blot  test, and so on.

    A number of people have claimed to be the person in the suit for the Patterson film and others have confessed to running aground the woods (and in one case towed by a truck) wearing fake Bigfoot prints.

    If the critter is real, I'd personally would love it. However, poor pictures, casts and "reconstructions" aren't enough proof. Where's the body?"

  8. as an anthropologist you need to be open minded on the possibilities. these creatures have been reported on virtually every continent and in virtually every state in the u.s. the native tribes of the the u.s. have known about them for thousands of years and fear them. so, with that in mind, no he is not wasting his time.

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